Oberon Matters
Local news for local people

Welcome to the Oberon Matters web site

No 26
July 25, 2024

Cold enough to freeze a photographer's clicking finger, but the game goes on.

Change is on its way
July 25, 2024 in General News

At the end of August the Oberon Review will cease producing a printed version, with only a digital version available to paid subscribers from then onward. This will leave Oberon with no printed paper concentrating on things happening in the area. It was always the intention to eventually produce a free printed version of Oberon Matters, but the news above has changed the timetable and made the move to print more urgent.
See the full article here


Burraga celebrates Christmas in July
July 25, 2024 in Community

The day had been shockingly cold (even for Oberon), there was snow all over the roads at Black Springs, there was rain, there were winds trying to blow the car off the road, hailstones bounced off the windscreen, but despite all that Oberon Matters made it all the way out to Burraga for Christmas in July.
See some of the fun on the night here


Lunch time at the railway station
July 25, 2024 in Community

When the weather outside was alternating between freezing wind, rain and snow flurries a perfect place to be was inside a carriage at Oberon railway station for the annual Winter Lunch in aid of the Oberon Tarana Heritage Railway.
See some words and photos here


Back from the school holidays
July 25, 2024 in Schools

The schools are back with some sporting news and some teacher training.
See more here


It's never too cold for a bit of sport
July 25, 2024 in Sport

On a day when sensible people had thoughts of drinking hot chocolate in front of roaring fires, Oberon's sports stars pulled on their shorts and faced the weather.
See the details here


Some news about those closed roads.

Media release - Restoring Jenolan Caves Road
July 25, 2024 in General News

There's still a lot of work to be done on the Hampton section of Jenolan Caves Road, with a new problem discovered while doing the planned work. There will be continuing road closures, but fortunately on fewer days than originally predicted.
See the media release here

Media release - Fixing Two Mile
July 25, 2024 in General News

Work will be commencing shortly to repair the currently closed section of Jenolan Caves Road known as "Two Mile" between Jenolan Caves and the intersection of Edith Road and Kanangra Walls Road.
See the media release here

Oberon Museum - open Wednesday, Saturday and Sunday

July 2024 Oberon Council Meeting
July 18, 2024 in Copmmunity

Several matters of public interest were discussed at the July Council meeting, including EV charging, Arts OutWest and renaming a street.
You can see more here


Reminder if you plan to stand for Council at the election in September.

Do you want to be a Councillor?
March 14, 2024 in Community

Local government elections will take place across NSW on Saturday, September 14 2024. If you are not happy with your current Councillors, feel you can do a better job or just want to get more involved in community affairs, you might like to think about standing as a candidate. Council elections are held every four years on the second Saturday in September.
See the full article here.


Late, Late at the Malachi
July 18, 2024 in MUsic

The Malachi Gilmore Hall turned on another excellent night out with a performance of the play "Late, Late at Night" starring Jackson Carroll as Rick Springfield in a dramatised version of Springfield's life.
See the story and pictures here


Another winter driving hazard to worry about
July 18, 2024 in General News

Black ice isn't the only danger when driving in cold weather, however. There is another phenomenon called "freezing fog" that can be just as dangerous. This is when fog can cause a layer of ice to suddenly form on the windscreen.
See some more about this here


A quiet week in the school holidays
July 18, 2024 in Schools

When the school holidays are on there's usually not much happening in Oberon's schools. Teachers at St Joseph's Catholic School looked over Term 1. And some of the students wrote poetry.
See the rest of the story here


Sport in the freezing cold
July 18, 2024 in Sport

Oberon might not actually be the coldest town in Australia, but sometimes it feels like it. That doesn't stop the sportspeople from getting out there and having a go.
See some reports and pictures here


Suicide prevention - one step at a time

What can be done with the Black Springs Recreation Reserve?
July 11, 2024 in Community

Some people have been thinking about the future of Black Springs, with particular attention to how the Recreation Reserve could better serve the village and the tourists who pass through it.
You can see more plus some photos here


Book Review - "Deep Listening to Nature" by Andrew Skeoch
July 11, 2024 in Reviews

You might expect a book about birds to have lots of photos, but this isn't a book about what birds look like, it's about what they sound like. The only picture of a bird is the one on the cover, the Southern Scrub-robin ...
Read the rest of the review here


The weekend in sport
July 11, 2024 in Sport

Everyone enjoyed a day out getting some healthy exercise. There were some winners and some silver medallists but playing the game is what's important.
See some pictures and results here


It's school holidays but the work goes on
July 11, 2024 in Schools

The school holidays might be here but it's a time to look back over the term, think about the teaching job and splash a bit of paint about.
You can see more here


Be part of a successful experiment
July 11, 2024 in Business

Hiding on the corner of Raleigh and Oberon Streets you can find Corner Pocket Experiment. It's a sort of plant nursery, a sort of refuge from the busyness of life, a sort of place to relax and a sort of place to get good advice about what grows best in Oberon's climate.
See more about this here


NAIDOC Art Exhibition
July 11, 2024 in Community

It's time again for the annual NAIDOC Art Exhibition at the Oberon Community Centre. It's your opportunity to see (and buy) some wonderful artworks by local artists. There are artworks there to suit everyone's budget and your purchase will help to ensure that the region's artists can keep on doing what they do.
See what the exhibition looks like here


Stories and articles for the most recent three weeks appear on the front page.
For earlier stories see the Site History page.

We would like to acknowledge the Wiradjuri, Gundungurra and Dharug nations as the traditional custodians of the land on which we live and work and we pay our respect to Elders past, present and future

Site last updated on July 25, 2024

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