Oberon Matters
Local news for local people

Send us your News

This page is about your news and stories and articles relating to Oberon now and its history and future. Contributions are welcome and encouraged. This is your chance to tell your story to the world.

  • Media releases are welcome about coming events, new or changed businesses around town or anything else you think people might be interested in. Articles simply promoting an existing business or service might not be published. If you want to advertise on the site details can be found here.
  • The normal rules of good manners apply - no defamation, no bigotry and no language that might offend. These might be edited out for publication, or the piece might be rejected completely. Contributors won't be notified of any edits but might be advised if a piece is rejected.
  • The writer can ask for anonymity or to be published under an alias, but must still be identified by name and a working telephone number.
  • The preferred method is to write the article in MS Word or some other program and attach the file to an email.
  • Photos and images should be at least 3,000 pixels wide. It is possible to manipulate smaller images but generally bigger is better and will give better results when the images are displayed here. The preferred format is .jpg, but other formats can be managed.
  • Videos should be in landscape orientation and as wide as possible.
  • Comments on articles can be submitted by email, and will be allowed on most articles. Comments will be moderated and might not appear immediately (we have "real" jobs as well as this site.)
  • The deadline for submitting material for a particular weekly update is 1pm on the preceding Tuesday. If your media release comes in after that it will only be published if it isn't time-critical.

Articles will be archived periodically but not deleted. Media releases might be deleted once they become irrelevant.

So you think you can't write.

Don't worry if you think that you can't write, because we can do it for you. All you have to do is follow the journalists' clichés of "Who, what, when, where and why" and we can write the article or media release for you.

  • Who - everybody needs to know who you are
  • What - what is it you want to talk about - the name of an event, the issue you are concerned about, ...
  • When - if it's something to put in the calendar, people need to know when it's happening
  • Where - it's handy to know where to go to
  • Why - what you want to say - we will call you to expand on this if necessary

You can leave out "when and where" for an article just addressing a topic or issue.

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ABN 41 518 658 205
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