Oberon Matters
Local news for local people

It's school holidays but the work goes on

July 11, 2024

St Joseph's Catholic School

On July 5 the staff enjoyed their annual Faith Formation Day at St Joseph's Perthville led ever so beautifully by Mrs Anne Gibbons. The theme was "Peace" with a particular focus on the importance of our very own inner peace.

St Joseph's staff at Faith Formation Day. Photo supplied

Oberon Public School

NAIDOC Art Exhibition

There are some wonderful artworks on display at the Oberon library as part of NAIDOC week celebrations. Our Indigenous students and staff members have created some very authentic and colourful creations. The exhibition is on open all week.

Danni-Lee Thompson l Relieving Principal

OPS artworks on display (and for sale). Photos supplied

Note- the diptych "Coming Together" by Isabelle (second from left at the top of the image) will be adorning the walls of the Oberon Matters office after the exhibition closes.

Under the Sea

This term, 3/4R have been exploring life under the sea. We have read about and researched different sea creatures and their habitats. We have dived right into creating artworks, writing and presenting information reports and following steps in a procedure. We have also created our own procedures on how to build a hotel for bugs using recycled materials. Students have enjoyed learning about these beautiful creatures and their environments and how we can all help to keep them safe and protected.

Paige Ryan l Classroom Teacher

Submerged students. Photos supplied

The Tip of the Iceberg

Throughout term 2, students in 3/4D have been exploring the topic of Icebergs through literature and art. They have created scientific drawings, numerous artworks and digital presentations to showcase their knowledge.

Justine Dabroski l Classroom Teacher

Icebergs! Photos supplied

OPS Podcast - Episode 9

The latest episode of the Oberon Public School Podcast is now live on Spotify! Join our new hosts this episode, Leila and Tess, as they take you on a journey through the Stage 3 excursion from earlier this term. Discover all the fun activities and educational moments that made this excursion memorable. Don't miss out on the excitement and insights from Oberon Public School!

Cameron Wright | Coordinator

Click to listen.

Oberon High School

NAIDOC Art Exhibition

Abbey Carberry and Gypzy Eldridge have been utilising their creativity to design these masterpieces. Their artworks have come together by using dot paint techniques and lots of patience. Their artworks will be on display from Monday 8th - Thursday 18th July at the Oberon Library and Community Centre.

Ashleigh Williams - Aboriginal Coordinator

Abbey and Gypzy, artists. Photos supplied

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