Oberon Matters
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November 21, 2024

Oberon Public School

Movement Moves

The students in 2-5W have been making the most of the lovely weather lately by stepping outside and enjoying some fresh air during our lessons! We've been taking regular brain breaks to get our bodies moving. From fun locomotive movements like running, skipping and hopping, to non-locomotor activities like stretching and balancing.

Brooke Wright l Classroom Teacher

Photos supplied

Boys to the Bush

Over the past few weeks our Year 6 boys have been enjoying their time with the Boys to the Bush. They have been learning about resilience and mateship while engaging in meaningful experiences.

Danni-Lee Thompson l Relieving Principal

Photo supplied

Captured at the Common

After lots of hard work KM filled their Opsie jar and decided to acknowledge this achievement by walking to The Common. This was a fun filled adventure where they explored all three playgrounds and enjoyed the walk through town.

Nicola McMahon l Classroom Teacher

Click to see the 12 photos here (1:00). Photos supplied

Bathurst Schools' Poetry Competition Success

Last Thursday a number of Stage 3 students travelled to Charles Sturt University to attend the Bathurst Schools' Poetry Competition awards ceremony. Nine students were recognised with an award, including winning first and second places, which is a huge achievement considering over 90 poems from seven different schools were submitted for consideration. All students who submitted a poem have also been published in the Bathurst Schools' Poetry Anthology. 1st place primary: Ally Watson, 'Why I Hate Poetry' 2nd place primary: Bobby Stanley, 'Moving House' Highly commended: Kally Sperelakis, 'Steps of Connection' Brax Booth, Tahra Gibbons, Patience Kerr, Macey Foley, Cleo Danslow: 'Remembrance' Congratulations on your wonderful results!

Erin McMurray l Assistant Principal

Click to see the 10 photos here (0:50). Photos supplied

Marvellous Mini Fete

Year 6 hosted their annual Mini Fete. K-6 students participated in a range of activities: a disco, sponge throwing, footy throwing, snowcones, hair spray, target golf and lots more. Thanks to the generous support of our families who supplied cakes for the cake stall. The money raised will go towards the Year 6 farewell gift. Thank you to Year 6 for a fantastic mini fete.

Stage 3 Teachers

Click to see the 41 photos (3:25). Photos supplied

Thank you!

Oberon Public School would like to say thank you to Kayla Booth for her dedication to the Oberon Public School canteen. We appreciate everything she has done this year. We would also like to say thank you to Paige Williams and all that she has done in the canteen during 2024. We will miss their friendly nature and their warm personalities. We wish them all the best.

Staff and students at OPS

Thank you to Kayla and Paige. Photo supplied

School Captain Nominees 2025

Congratulations to our wonderful nominees who all spoke beautifully, putting forward their case to be elected as a School Captain in 2025. We are very proud to have such amazing role models who are all capable of being excellent leaders next year. Good luck in the election.

Danni-Lee Thompson l Relieving Principal

Potential Captains. Photo supplied

Hampton Public School

Hampton has been lucky enough to receive a loan of some BIG games for the next two weeks, courtesy of Live Life Well @ School, part of Nepean Blue Mountains Health. Today the students unpacked the games for the first time. It was loads of fun!

Many thanks to Mrs Healey for her organisation.

Photos supplied

Here are our wonderful entrants in this year's Operation Art. Great work, Quinn and Zoey.

Images supplied

Congratulations to our Student of the Week - Ben.

Ben has been selected this week for his responsible and thoughtful attitude in the classroom. He is a careful worker whose work is careful and accurate, whether it’s in writing, spelling, reading or maths! Keep up the great work, Ben!

Photo supplied

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