Oberon Matters
Local news for local people

You need schooling and I'm not fooling - Part 2

June 27, 2024

St Joseph's Catholic School

Congratulations to our Year 6 students and their teacher Mrs Kate Brown who achieved great success in The Diocesan Religious Education Test last Tuesday. The test comprised of 40 questions. The students achieved a school average of 34 which was well above the Diocesan average of 28. This equated to 3 High Distinctions, 4 Distinctions and 4 Credits. Well done Year 6 and Mrs Brown!

Congratulations! Photo supplied

Around the rooms - Year 4

Another busy term is nearly at an end. The students have continued to work hard achieving their goals and working on building strong relationships.

This term our novel study has been "Tom Appleby Convict Boy" by Jackie French. A historical narrative about a boy named Tom who as an orphan in the 1780's, becomes a convict and is transported to Australia to be part of the new colony. This has been a thought provoking novel for all our students, always so enthusiastic to read a chapter or two!

In History we have continued looking at "First Contacts". The students have learnt about the importance of being an inquisitive Historian and how discovering things about the past is important for our future. Researching The First Fleet and the early colonial days in Sydney Cove allowed the students to gain a real insight into the challenges and difficulties for Australia's First Colony. We are really looking forward to our Stage 2 Excursion tomorrow in Sydney whereby we will learn more about convict life and the Indigenous ways of living

Photos supplied

Thank you to all staff, parents and students for making the soccer gala day last Friday a success. We had a great winter's day filled with fun and lots of sportsmanship on display.

Mrs Meghan Beale - Sport Coordinator

Photos supplied

Oberon High School

Week 9 Assembly

This week we held our assembly to celebrate the achievements of our students. Athletics Carnival champions were recognised and Kind Citizen award was presented to Rhys Braun. It was our last Positive Behaviour for Learning draw before School-Wide Expectations (SWE) is introduced. The focus for the next fortnight is dress in correct school uniform. Our Rock Band concluded the assembly by playing "What's Up" by the 4 Non Blondes.

Fiona Abbott - Principal Rlg

Rhys gets an award, Photo supplied

The sporty types. Photo supplied

Good behaviour leads to good learning. Photo supplied

And the band played on. Photo supplied

2030 Graduates!

Year 6 students from Oberon Public School, St. Joseph's Catholic Primary School and Rockley Public School had their first transition day at Oberon High School last Wednesday. It was fantastic to welcome them to our school. They used plastics technology to design and create their own bag tags. Students had a tour of the school and took part in a scavenger hunt, finding their way around the school.

Amy Power - Transition Coordinator

Looking forward to 2025. Photos supplied

Real Schools

Recently we have joined in a partnership with Real Schools. We will work with Real Schools to implement restorative practices as the underpinning methodology of our school culture. This partnership will help our school achieve its potential in three key areas: Committed Teachers, Caring Students and Connected Communities. Please click on the image below to view video 1 by Trish Coelho, Expert Facilitator.

Fiona Abbott - Principal Rlg

Click to see the video

Disco Divas!

Last week our Year 8s had a Disco! It was a great night, and they are to be congratulated on funky dance moves. Massive thanks to Raeleine Eiler and family for the professional disco DJing and Karaoke! Also, to Ebony Fenton and Bridget Hadley for preparation and supervision.

Natasha Saboisky - Year 8 Advisor

Having some fun. Photos supplied

On Prac!

Bridget Hadley has been at OHS for her practicum for the past 6 weeks. It has been delightful to have her learning on our site. Bridget is from Rydal and is studying at CSU Bathurst for her Bachelor of Education (K-12), majoring in English. She was experienced after completing pracs at O'Connell Public School, Lithgow Public School and James Sheahan Catholic High School. We wish her all the best in the future.

Fiona Abbott - Rlg Principal

Bridget Hadley. Photo supplied

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