Oberon Matters
Local news for local people

You need schooling and I'm not fooling - Part 1

June 27, 2024

Oberon Public School

Good Luck!

Good luck to Marshall Taylor who is representing Western Region at the NSW PSSA Under 12s Rugby League State Championships in Wollongong. We know you will represent Oberon Public and Western Region proudly. We look forward to hearing the results.

Danni-Lee Thompson l Relieving Principal

Marshall is off to Wollongong. Photo supplied

Eco Portraits

3/4S have unleashed their creativity with cardboard! Students explored artworks, that combined art and sustainability by creating stunning portraits using recycled materials. Students focused on their unique characteristics to create lifelike profiles.

Kelly Sheppard l Classroom Teacher

Cardboard creations everywhere. Photos supplied

PBL Pyjama Day

OPS students and staff celebrated with a whole school Opsie Acknowledgement by wearing their pyjamas to school. Students are recognised for their dedication to follow our school wide expectations of being respectful, responsible and safe. Congratulations to all the students for their hard work.

Opsie Owl

Pyjama day!! Photos supplied

Vivacious Victory

Last week our boys touch football team participated in round three of the PSSA knockout competition against Eglinton Public School at Eglinton. It was close encounter with some wonderful attacking and defensive plays. It was try for try on the scoreboard with our boys coming away with an impressive 7-6 victory. Congratulations to all our students on their outstanding sportsmanship and determination throughout the day.

Jake Turnbull l Touch Football Coordinator

7-6 Winners. Photo supplied

Creative Canva

This term 5/6A have been researching different places and environments in Australia. They have spent their time investigating things that threaten, damage or even destroy environments. Students have created a multi-genre Canva presentation about the threats in these environments and how everyone can help to prevent any more damage. Our creations were fun to create and are entertaining, informative and persuasive.

Taya Austen l Classroom Teacher

Creative creativity. Photos supplied

Sail or Jail?

This week in History, the 3/4S researched life in 18th-century England. They uncovered the grim reality of "prison hulks," old naval ships repurposed to house the overflow of prisoners due to rising crime and overcrowded jails. Conditions aboard these ships were severe with widespread disease claiming the lives of 1 in 3 inmates. Eventually, these prisoners were transferred from the hulks to transport ships, which sailed to Australia, where they became part of the early convict settlers.

Jake Turnbull l History Teacher

Knowing history is important. Photos supplied

Term 2 Achievements

This week we recognised some of the achievements of our wonderful students during term 2. We acknowledged and celebrated students who achieved their silver, gold and diamond award. Congratulations to all our cross country and athletics champions who received their medallions and trophies. Vulcan captains also accepted the cross country cup as well as the athletics shield. We are very proud of our hard-working and dedicated students. Following the assembly, students enjoyed morning tea with their invited guests.

Danni-Lee Thompson l Relieving Principal

Winners!! Photos supplied

Ukulele Unison

On Monday our students were involved in a hands-on experience led by Tom Harding from "All Hands on Ukes". Students learnt some ukulele facts, as well as many styles of music including disco, funk, pop and jazz sound great on the ukulele. During the session students worked towards playing their ukulele and gained a better understanding of rhythm, tempo, pitch, tone and harmony. Our staff and students thoroughly enjoyed participating throughout the day.

Natalie Beattie l Coordinator

Ukes! What's not to like? Photos supplied

Go to Part 2 for St Joseph's and Oberon High School

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