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March 21, 2024

Oberon High School

Master Chefs

Making Connections cake stall is a life skills program to promote communication and social skills. The students prepared chocolate crackles and decorated biscuits. The profits will buy resources for the MC class and later, nominated charities.

Julie Stevens and Rachel Staines - Coordinators

Chocolate crackles! Yum. Photo supplied

Sweet Sounds!

Our school choir join every Monday with Miss Chloe Swannell. Miss Swannell is teaching our students to tune each note with precision; their voices are blending seamlessly. OHS choir will perform throughout the year during special occasions.

Amber Hibbert - Deputy Principal Rlg

Hitting the right notes. Photo supplied

Study at CSU Day

On the March 12, nine Year 12 students spent the day exploring the CSU campus and taking in what was on offer. Students got the chance to learn about different courses and what they involve. These courses included the NSW Police Service, paramedicine, nursing, engineering, teaching and education, and sports medicine, along with embarking on a campus tour and accommodation tours. Students enjoyed the day. Thank you to Charles Sturt University for letting our students come and get a taste of what uni life is all about. Thank you to Mrs Fitzpatrick and Ms Wiggins for organising and taking us in the trip.

Katie McMahon - Year 12 student

Learning about learning. Photo supplied

Performance Prep

This week our Stage 6 Drama class is preparing for their first Assessment Task, due next week, by trying on costumes and making props. They will be performing monologues from the play "Ruby Moon" by Australian playwright Matt Cameron. Thank you to Ben Stack and Julie Stevens for their help in preparing the set. Next Wednesday March 27 students will perform at 5pm in the theatrette. You are all welcome to attend. Please phone  to RSVP.

Natasha Saboisky - Drama Teacher

Getting ready for "Ruby Moon". Photo supplied

See the result: Ruby Moon rises at Oberon High School

St Joseph's Catholic School

In Year 3 we have been learning about data and probability. We have all enjoyed playing mini launch games at the beginning of each lesson. Every student is very excited each day for the launch to begin and all students look forward to this part of their Mathematics lesson. Over the past fortnight we have played some fantastic and engaging games such as Nameo, Greedy pig, lucky dip, musical chairs, sock basketball and Sneaky Snakes. All of these games give students a real time example of the probability of something happening and provide an opportunity to gather data to make informed opinions and decisions. Students have also really enjoyed our narrative study ‘Fantastic Mr. Fox’ throughout the past five weeks. We have been writing character descriptions, predicting what will happen next and writing narratives of our own. As we prepared for NAPLAN to begin this week we have spent some time looking over sample assessments so we are ready to go.

Lots of ways to learn maths. Photo supplied

Charity Fete

Our annual Charity Fete was held on Sunday, March 17. We began the day with a beautiful Mass celebrated by Father Diep and lead by our very capable students. Our wonderful St Joseph's students, staff, families and Parish community then joined us to raise money for our charities. We are so grateful for the generosity that was shown. So many people contributed to its success through donating prizes, cooking, running stalls, cleaning up, purchasing items or supplying your children with endless dollar coins. As you can see from the photos, a great time was had by all and the weather did not dampen our spirits. We are grateful that we can now support a number of charities with generous donations from our school community.

Just some of the fun to be had. Photos supplied

See also: The weather couldn't beat the St Joseph's Fete

Oberon Public School

February Aussie of the Month

RJay McDonald is recognised as the Oberon Public School Aussie of the month for February. He is encouraging in the playground and is always inclusive and supportive of others. RJay is a wonderful school citizen and is always doing the right thing at the right time. Well done RJay and keep up the great work!

Danni-Lee Thompson l Relieving Principal

RJay gets the recognition he deserves. Photo supplied

Amazing Attendance

Over the past fortnight all classes Kindergarten through to Year 6 have been at school over 90% of the time. This is a fantastic achievement, to celebrate all students received an iceblock! We believe everybody belongs at OPS and that's why we love coming to school.

Danni-Lee Thompson l Relieving Principal

A great slogan - "Everybody belongs at OPS". Photo supplied

Fabulous Friday Attendance

Congratulations to our attendance raffle winner, Darcy Morrow. He came to school 95% of the time or more last fortnight, and it paid off. Darcy received a meat tray supplied by Barker's Butchery.

Kelly Sheppard l Attendance Team

Barbecue at Darcy's place. Photo supplied

Wonderful Western!

Marley, Torah, Grace and Lexi represented the Bathurst District in the Western Swimming Carnival, competing in the Junior Girls relay. Together they swam a beautiful race, finishing first in their heat and 10th overall.

Nicola McMahon l Swimming Coordinator

Swimmers Grace McDermott, Lexi Booth, Torah Gumley and Marley McDermott. Photo supplied

Proud P and C

It was wonderful to see so many at our P and C AGM. Welcome to our new and returning members. I would like to thank the outgoing committee for all their hard work and dedication over the past year. Our school community really appreciate the work you do to support our students. I would also like to introduce our 2024 executive committee

  • President - Belinda Humphries
  • Vice President - Megan Morrow
  • Treasurer - Paige Williams
  • Secretary - Desiree Rigelsford

Congratulations on your appointment. I am looking forward to working with you all.

Danni-Lee Thompson l Relieving Principal

The new P&C team. Photo supplied

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