Oberon Matters
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The weather couldn't beat the St Joseph's Fete

March 21, 2024

The weather wasn't very kind on the morning of Sunday, March 17, and caused a bit of reorganising and rethinking about the Charity Fete at St Joseph's Catholic School.

It was a bit damp for outdoor activities

As much as possible was moved indoors, but it made for very crowded conditions. This wasn't really a worry except to anyone who wanted to roam around getting photographs. Still, nobody was complaining and the money raised will be distributed across a range of charities.

Competing chooks!!

One thing that couldn't be move indoors was the Battle of the Chooks. This was a rather unusual competition as the winner wasn't the one who could chase the other one away but the first to deposit some recycled chicken feed. If you get my meaning.

School fetes are always great days out, and the crowd at St Joseph's showed that even a little (lot of?) rain can't stop people from enjoying themselves and getting together for a good cause.

It might have been a bit crowded inside, but everyone was having fun

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