Oberon Matters
Local news for local people

A wonderful new place to buy things

December 12, 2024

Where it's all happening - the rectory at St Thomas'

After a lot of time, a lot of fundraising by events such as a car boot sale and the Artisans' Market and a lot of work by volunteers, the restoration of the rectory at St Thomas' Anglican Church in O'Connell has progressed enough to open a store in the building.

It's a bit hard to classify the store. It's not really a "gift shop", although much of what is on sale would make excellent gifts. It's not an "artisans' market", although much of the merchandise fits into the artisan category. It's not a souvenir shop, although there's lot there that would be a good reminder of a trip somewhere.

I's sort of all these things combined, but the best way to find out is to go there. The store is in the grounds of St Thomas' Church on Beaconsfield Road, O’Connell, just up a bit from from O'Connell Road. Opening hours are 9:30 to 10:30 on Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Look for the sign outside saying it's open

Sue Pangas and Cherri Browne have to be congratulated for the effort they have put into getting the store open and providing the marvellous choice of things to buy. Make a point of dropping in the next time you're nearby on a weekend. You will certainly like what you see and will almost as certainly leave with something you might not have known you needed.

Oberon Matters had a walk around the store on the day it opened pointing the camera at things.

Click to see 23 photos of what's on sale (2:00).

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