Oberon Matters
Local news for local people

The wind farm issue keeps the breezes blowing

August 1, 2024

TagEnergy and Stromlo Energy returned on July 25 and 27 with two more community information sessions about the proposed wind farms in the pine forests near Oberon. The sessions were held in the Oberon Community Centre and attracted good crowds on both days, and conversations were generally civil without the rancour that can sometimes surround contentious issues.

The number of representatives of the company present and the quantity of printed information available suggest that they are serious about presenting their case to the community and hopefully are taking notice of and responding to reasonable concerns expressed by members of the public. With construction not planned to start until 2028 a lot can happen and change between now and when any work actually happens on the ground.

Scenes at the Community Centre

It would be hard to miss the fact that there is opposition in town to the wind farm proposals. and a group certainly made their concerns known outside the building. To everyone's credit there was no attempt to disrupt the proceedings inside, although the protestors were cordially welcomed if they chose to go inside individually.

People having their say.

See also: Pines wind farm details emerge

Following the Oberon session on Saturday there was a meeting at Black Springs where some arguments against the windfarm proposals were presented to the public. Again, everyone was civil and well mannered.

This is a matter which is obviously of concern to Oberon and which isn't going to go away soon. Oberon Matters will continue to observe and report on the ongoing process.

Disclaimer: Oberon Matters has no opinion either way on the matter of wind towers near Oberon. This article is for public information only. Please see our position of total neutrality.

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