Oberon Matters
Local news for local people

When your handicap is spelled "rain"

December 12, 2024

Thursday golf results for December 5

First off, sincere apologies for lax report last week, which missed out on congratulating Scott Hoolihan on his eagle on the 5th hole. Well done Scott!

The winner was Mark Ryan with 30 points. Runner up went to Peter Griffiths. Balls went to Mick Mooney, Paul Behan, Peter Marks, Tony Ryan, Brendan Sanders, Chris Boardman and Eric Whalan.

Nearest to the pin on the 17th was won by Mitch Hollihan.

Before the rain. Photo supplied

Anyone who was in or around Oberon on late Friday or most of Saturday will know why nobody was too enthusiastic about walking around a golf course on Saturday. When the choice is between being struck by lightning, drowning while swimming between holes or sitting in the clubhouse with a beer the decision was easy.

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