Oberon Matters
Local news for local people

When golf almost becomes water polo

December 5, 2024

Thursday golf results for November 28

All players finished before the rain. The winner with 30 points on a countback was Glen Behan, Runner up went to Scott Hoolihan.

Balls went to Paul Behan, Stan Evans, Garry Willis, Damian Cuff, Mitch Hollihan and Eric Whalan.

Nearest to the pin on 7th was won by Brendan Sanders.

And then the rain came. Not just in buckets, in a fire hose. Photo supplied

There were a few brave men that faced the rain on Saturday.

Blake Miller got in, got it done and got the win. Kim Rawlings with a later start still got runner up.

Nearest to the pins

1st - Hutcho
7th - Blake M
9th - Blake M (very close call)
17th - Laurie Murphy.

Clouds coming in. Photo supplied

In other golf news this week, Katie Graham has won the medal of medals for 2024! Katie had a Nett of 75.

A big thank you to B&L for their sponsorship for this championship.

Katie gets her plaque from B&L. Photo supplied

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