Oberon Matters
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October 3, 2024

It's the end of the season for many sports so the presentations have begun.

Oberon Junior Hockey Association

Presentation 2024

Thanks to everyone who came and celebrated our 2024 season.

Congratulations to all the award recipients, everyone can be incredibly proud of a very successful season. Our major awards recipients for 2024 are:

  • Highest representative player: Grace Yeo
  • Clubperson of the year : Justin Evans
  • OJHA Committee award: Ashley Esterhuizen
  • OJHA Up and coming umpire: Medina Muratovic
  • OJHA All Rounder: Ella Thompson

A big thank you to all our sponsors :

Enjoy the off season and I look forward to seeing you all in 2025

Danni-Lee - a very Proud President

Click to see the photos from the night.


A number of our junior players were recognised at the presentations following the grand finals in both juniors and women’s, as well as district and association. Congratulations to

  • Caley McKellar
  • under 12s district Coaches award.
  • Grace Yeo
  • Jillian Long umpire encouragement award.
  • 3rd place most valuable player women’s 2nd grade
  • Women’s Umpire encouragement award
  • Addison Welch
  • Most valuable Player women’s 3rd grade
  • Poppy Radstone
  • Most valuable Player in women’s 4th grade.

Congratulations girls we are very proud of your achievements

Winners!! Photos supplied

And here's a video.

Note - this video contained background music which is probably copyrighted so it has been muted.
Video supplied by OJHA.

Oberon United Football Club

The Wolves had their presentations on Saturday, September 28. The stroke of luck for the juniors was that the generator at the Oberon RSL kept the lights on while the rest of Oberon was without electricity.

Getting an award from a Fuz and a Wolf. Can it get any better?

Oberon Golf Club

Golf results for 28th September.

First up! the final of the Reckless Brewing sponsor match play was completed today, with Peter Griffiths beating Robyn Stapleton in a close final!

Onto today results, we played an 18 hole stableford with 39 starters!

The winner in A Grade was Barry Lang with 38 points, Runner up went to Hamish Anderson.

B Grade winner was Bill Higgins with 39 points, Nate Hotham took the runner up prize.

Nearest to the pin winners -

  • 1st Jake Ribbons 570 cm
  • 7th Eric Whalan 237cm
  • 9th Jake Ribbons 314 cm
  • 17th Sandie Higgins 240 cm

Balls for ability went to Brett Newstead, Terry Robinson, David Zhou, Ryan Hanmer and Mitch Kelly.

Golf next week on Saturday, is an 18 hole stroke and monthly medals.

Not-so-Reckless winners. Photo supplied

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