Oberon Matters
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September 19, 2024

Oberon Pony Club

Thank you to everyone that came on Sunday. After fears of being freezing it was a great day out with lots of happy ponies and riders. Special welcome to our new members Lilly, Ellie and Astrid. Setting up to be a great gymkhanaA  season ahead.

Helen Storey

A beautiful day out, Photos supplied


Congratulations to Oberon’s Men’s Hockey team! After a hard fought 2-1 win against Oxford the Men will be contesting the Grand Final against St Pats at 12:00pm in Bathurst on Saturday, September 21.

What a day Massive congratulations to our under 15s who are through to the grand final. A super close game against SASC but they came away with a 2-1 win. Our juniors Ella, Grace and Annabelle also got the win in first grade. Our under 13s weren’t successful but they can be incredibly proud of a fantastic season. See you all next Saturday to cheer on our 15s and juniors in first grade.

And congratulations to Grace.

Oberon Golf Club

One round left in the Trifecta Cup.

After Stroke and Stableford, the final round will be Par on Saturday, September 21. In A-Grade, Darren Gordon has a commanding 6 point lead over Rob McGrath with Alan Cairney a further 4 points back. In B-Grade it will be a battle of the Higgins with Bill holding a slender 2 point lead over Sandie with Eric Whalan 9 points adrift in 3rd.

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There are four left in the Singles Matchplay presented by Reckless BX Lager. Peter Griffiths will play Steve Ellery in the first semi final and defending Champion Darren Gordon will play Robyn Stapleton in the second semi final of the 2024 Singles Match Play. Steve will get 5 shots and Robyn will get 6 shots. The winners will go into the final.

Click for a larger view

Darren Gordon is having a fine September. He has won his first 3 matches in the Singles Match Play and is into the semi-finals, he leads the Trifecta Cup by 6 shots going into the final round and has won back to back - last week the September Medal and this week the A-Grade Stableford competition with 37 points.

Runner up in A-Grade was Neil Whalan with 36 points on a count back.

In B-Grade, 8 of the 22 players scored 36 points or better with David Zhou the best with 43 points. Despite her 8 x 3 pointers and a 4 pointer including birdies on 5 & 11, Shannon Foley came up one short to be runner up with 42 points.

Nearest to Pin (in cms) -

  • 1st: Mitch Kelly - 153
  • 7th: Marty Hotham - 730
  • 9th: Neil Whalan - 1200
  • 17th: Sandie Higgins - 973

Highlights - Shannon's birdies on 5 and 11, Rob McGrath's Eagle on 3, Kim Rawling's 3 birdies on 8, 9 and 12. There were a total of 14 birdies from the 37 players on holes 1(2), 2, 5(2), 8(2), 9(3), 11, 12, and 15(2)

Thursday golf results

 Winner on a count back was Paul Behan with 29 points, Runner up Tom Baldwin. Balls went to Peter Ryan, Hugh O'Neil, Ryan Hanmer, Brett Newstead, Chris Boardman, Wayne Boserio and Eric Whalan. Nearest to the pin on the 7th was won by Wayne Boserio.

And over at Oberon Public School

Good Luck!

Good luck to Mason Christie-Johnston who is representing Western Region at the NSW PSSA State Golf Championships in the Hunter Valley. We know you will represent Oberon Public and Western Region proudly. We look forward to hearing the results.

Danni-Lee Thompson l Relieving Principal

Off to the Championships. Photo supplied

Good Luck!

Good luck to our students, Lexi Booth, Brax Booth, Tye Newstead, Patience Kerr, Maisy Christie-Johnston, Ella Costa, Marshall Taylor, Samuel Shaw, Georgiana Mavros, Manithira Beatton and Aiden Odobasic (absent) who are representing Bathurst District at the Western Region Athletics Carnival in Dubbo on Friday. We know you will represent Oberon Public and Bathurst District proudly. We look forward to hearing the results.

Danni-Lee Thompson l Relieving Principal

Athletes. Photo supplied

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