Oberon Matters
Local news for local people

O'Connell Recreation Ground moves a step closer

May 9, 2024

The irrigation system is in, the field has been top dressed and seeded and the long-awaited O'Connell recreation ground at the corner of Beaconsfield and O'Connell Roads is getting closer to reality. Viewing stands, toilets, the car park area and some other infrastructure is still to be built but the end is in sight. Oberon Matters is looking forward to covering the next Fish River Cup cricket match as a home game for O'Connell

Oberon Matters took a walk around on a day threating rain to see how much has happened. The only bit of green on the field now is the cricket pitch but it won't be long before the field looks like a real cricket oval. Oberon Council must be congratulated for providing this facility for the residents of O'Connell.

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