It's been a big couple
of weeks at the Oberon Golf Club, and not just because the town's
golfers have been enjoying the views.
Assist Charity Golf Day
On April 28, the Club conducted its first Can Assist Charity Golf
Day. Can Assist seems to be Oberon's favourite charity, with the
Junior Rugby League's annual auction also benefitting the
This was the Club's first attempt at a benefit day and raised
$7,000 for this very deserving charity, where all of the money
raised is used to support local residents.
You can read
more about Can Assist here.
Instead of a lot of photos,
here's a video made by drone expert
Brad Cook.
Awards Presentation
On May 4, everyone got together to celebrate the winners of the
2023-24 competitions.
A good time was had by all.
And here's the list of winners.
2023 Oberon Open Champion: Andrew Burton 73
2023 Keith
Cleton Memorial Trophy: Rob McGrath 71 points
2024 Oberon PGA
Associates Pro Am Winners: Wil Daibarra (PGA) from Kiama Golf
Club with 69 from Daniel Pedzikiewicz (PGA) from Everglades with
even par 70. Amateur winner: David Jiang (NZ) - 38 points
2024 Club Champion: Anthony Borton - 305 Runner up: Daryl
Kelly - 308
B Grade Champion: Jake Ribbons - 341 Runner
up: Anthony Miller - 348
C Grade Champion: Bill Higgins - 139
points Runner up: Buddy Hotham - 129
2022 and 2023 Kortum
Shield Pennants winners: Oberon - Ben Turner, Luke
Christie-Johnson, Anthony Miller, Terry Robinson, Jake Ribbons
and Phil Cummings.
2024 4BBB Par Champions (Jack Robinson
Memorial Shield): Luke Christie-Johnson and Blake Fitzpatrick
2023 4BBB Aggregate Stableford Champions:
Blake Miller and
Peter Hutchison
2023 4BBB Aggregate Stableford Mixed
Champions: Eric Whalan and Shannon Foley
2023 Matchplay
winner: Darren Gordon Runner up: Chris Kalos
2023 4 Ball
Matchplay winners: Rob McGrath and Anthony Borton Runners up:
Darren Gordon and Shannon Foley
2024 Medal of medals winners: A-Grade: Rob McGrath B-Grade: Peter Griffiths
2023 Super
Sixes Winners (December): The Hole Shots - The team starring
- Clinton Corby, Brodin Corby, Anthony Frances, Dylan Harvey,
Brad Harvey and Darren McFawn with a total score of 333
Super Sixes Winners (March): Fairway to Heaven
Sean Mooney - 17th, Raymond Costello (Stonecutters Ridge) -
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