Oberon Matters
Local news for local people

This week's sport

March 21, 2024

Golf Club Championship

The first two rounds of the Club Championships were played over the weekend of March 16 band 17. In A-Grade, Daryl Kelly leads 2023 Champ Hamish Anderson by 2 shots. In B-Grade, Anthony Miller leads Ian Fowler by 1 shot and in C-Grade, Bill Higgins has a commanding 14 point lead over David Zhou in the Stableford format. The final two rounds will be played next Saturday and Sunday - March 23 and 24. In the rain yesterday, scoring in A-Grade was one shot worse than Saturday but in both B and C Grades, scoring was about 6 shots harder.

What's happening with the Oberon Tigers?

The trial match between the Oberon Tigers senior men's team and St Pats that was scheduled for March 16 was cancelled at short notice. Information provided to Oberon Matters by someone who should know what they are talking about suggested that the cancellation was because they couldn't field a full team.

With the Woodbridge Cup competition starting in two weeks on April 7, it's extremely worrying that the Tigers don't seem anywhere near ready. Remember this was the team that won the Grand Final in 2020 and were runners up in 2022.

It's not just the tigers who seem to be somewhat unsure about what is happening when. Here is what the NSW Rugby League site said about the 2024 Woodbridge Cup Draw on the day that this was written.

There is a draw floating around. It says who is playing whom but doesn't give the location of any of the matches, which is rather vital information. Maybe everyone at League HQ is still jet lagged after coming back from Las Vegas.

See comments about this below.

The Wolves were planning a "kick around" day on Sunday, March 17, but rain put a stop to that. The event will now happen on Saturday, March 23.

All registrations are still open. Extra numbers are needed to form under 10, 11,12 and 13 teams, so please register ASAP.


Be careful who you talk to Peter. The Oberon Tigers have been getting great numbers at training and both teams have strong squads. The trial was always problematic with work commitments precluding 5 players plus 1 training injury. We could have fielded a team but St Pats advised they too were struggling and would have had to stack their side with Premiership group 10 players which didn’t benefit either club.

Neil O'Grady, Oberon Tigers (via Facebook)
March 22, 2024

Thanks for that. It's still a worry that problems like this are happening two weeks out from the start of the competition. All I need to know now is where the matches will be played.

Oberon Matters
March 22, 2024

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