Oberon Matters
Local news for local people

Up in the morning and off to school

February 27, 2025

Oberon Public School

Super Support

Students at OPS are supported in improvement and extension by our wonderful support staff, Mrs Natalie Beattie, Mrs Belynda Ruhan and Ms Shelly McGrath. Mrs Ruhan is also our teacher librarian and ensures our students are up to date with the latest books in their library lessons. Ms McGrath also teach Physical Education as part of the release from face to face program. Our support teachers ensure all students are supported in their learning at OPS!

Jo'elle Frampton l Principal

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Fabulous Friday Attendance

Congratulations to our attendance raffle winner, Tye Newstead who came to school 95% of the time or more last fortnight, and it paid off. Tye received a nacho pack.

Kelly Sheppard l Attendance Team

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Meet and Teacher

We had a wonderful turnout at our parent teacher information evening. It was a great opportunity for teachers to meet all our wonderful parents. Families enjoyed chatting with teachers about the year ahead. We look forward to working with our families throughout 2025.

Jo'elle Frampton l Principal

Click for 18 photos (1:30). Photos supplied

Administration Team!

Mrs Karla O'Donnell, Ms Belinda Melchers, Mrs Vicki Byrom and Mrs Clare McMermott support our staff and students on a daily basis. They do an extremely good job from helping teachers with resources to looking after children when they are unwell. They are the first friendly faces you see as you enter our school.

Jo'elle Frampton l Principal

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2025 School Leaders

For those who are new to Oberon Public School, I would like to introduce you to our school leaders for 2025: Brax Booth, Maisy Christie-Johnston, Tamihana Wall and Maggie Austen. Our leaders will support students, assist in school events and work closely with staff to ensure a positive school environment.

Jo’elle Frampton l Principal

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Breakfast Club Donation

A huge "THANK YOU" to Elders Emms Mooney for their generous donation of $420 for our Breakfast Club. This money will go towards buying supplies which will provide breakfast for our students. This is very much appreciated.

Jo'elle Frampton I Principal

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Hampton Public School

Congratulations to our newest Students of the Week!

In our K/1 group, Mila has impressed us all with her wonderful start to Kindergarten. She is working so hard in literacy and numeracy and is quickly becoming an important member of our class. In our 3-6 group, Niamh has made a terrific start with her leadership role at Hampton. She is a responsible leader who is demonstrating plenty of care for others. Today we also presented Niamh with her Year 6 blazer and shirt for 2025. I’m sure she’ll wear them with pride!

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Oberon High School

Beat It!

Year 7 spent their music lesson exploring beat and tempo. They used percussion instruments and bucket drums to create fun and different beats as a class.

Chloe Swannell - Music Coordinator

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Scone Success

Our Year 8 Tech Mandatory class put their cooking skills to the test by preparing delicious scones. Students followed a traditional recipe, carefully measuring ingredients, kneading the dough and baking them to perfection. The result? Golden, fluffy scones that were enjoyed fresh out of the oven. It was a fun and hands-on lesson, showcasing their growing confidence in the kitchen!

Rachel Sinclair - TAS Teacher

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Courtside Action

One of our new teachers has been hitting the court with students at break times, bringing great energy and competition to the games. It’s awesome to see staff getting involved and sharing the love of basketball. Mr Cufurovic will be coaching the boys’ basketball team this year. With his guidance and experience, the team is set for a strong season ahead.

Kelly Overhall l Acting Principal

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O'Connell Public School

School bus timetables - O'Connell to Tarana
February 27, 2025 in Community and Schools

Newman's Bus Services has some exciting news for O'Connell and Tarana residents. Transport for NSW has recently approved an extension of the current O'Connell school bus service. These changes will commence on Monday, 3rd March 2025.
See the new timetable here


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