Oberon Matters
Local news for local people

The end of the school year

December 19, 2024

St Joseph's Catholic School

2025 Captains

Congratulations! Photo supplied 

Class Christmas Parties

What a great way to spend the second last day of the year! So much fun with the highlight being a special visit from Santa Special thanks to our wonderful staff for their organisation, Fire and Rescue NSW Station 411 Oberon and Oberon Fitness & Leisure Centre

Click for lots of photos of the day (1:40). Photos supplied

Oberon Public School

Fabulous Friday Attendance

Congratulations to our attendance raffle winner, Madeline Hunter who came to school 95% of the time or more last fortnight, and it paid off. She received a voucher from King of Kebabs.

Kelly Sheppard l Attendance Team

Turning up is the only way to succeed. Photo supplied

Volunteers Morning Tea

We celebrated our wonderful volunteers who support our school community across many different areas. Whether it's helping with scripture lessons, being involved with our P & C Committee, classroom reading or assisting in the canteen, their contributions are invaluable. Their dedication not only supports our staff but also enriches the learning and growth of our students. Thank you to everyone who has volunteered in any capacity.

Danni-Lee Thompson l Relieving Principal

Thank you, volunteers. Photo supplied

Term 4 Achievements

Today we recognised some of the achievements of our wonderful students during term 4. We acknowledged and celebrated students who have achieved their silver, gold, diamond and platinum awards. We also celebrated Kindergarten and the completion of their first year of school. We are very proud of our hard-working and dedicated students.

Danni-Lee Thompson l Relieving Principal

Achievers! Photos supplied

Oberon Public School were announced as Highly Commended Primary School in the competition to make the houses for the 2024 gingerbreads in O'Connell.


Super Sixes

Year 6 have had a fun filled week enjoying a teacher vs student netball game and water fight. While they may not have got the win in the netball they certainly won the water fight. We hope they have enjoyed their last week of primary school.

Year 6 Teachers

You can see 44 photos of the fun here (3:40). Photos supplied

Last day of school celebrations!

Lots of fun was had at Oberon Public School as students partied into the end of their schooling year. K-2 had a visit from Santa, Stage 2 played tennis and water activities, Stage 3 enjoyed lawn bowls and played at The Common. Thank you to the Oberon Fire Brigade. OPS staff would like to wish all their beautiful families a merry Christmas and a happy new year.

Everyone shout "Merry Christmas". Photo supplied

Hampton Public School

This afternoon we wished farewell to our two Year 6 marvels, Quinn and Mona! Time for a few games of barefoot bowls before all the formalities. The cake was delicious! Many thanks to Katie for all her organisation!

Click to see the bowls (1:05). Photos supplied

What a great week for swimming lessons! All the students did so well with their diving, floating, gliding, jumping and swimming. And of course the water park is always a great last day treat!

Click to see the watery fun (1:30). Photos supplied

We had our final music lesson for the year with Mr Armstrong. We had a very successful presentation day practice and a bit of fun with "Johnny Be Good" on our air guitars and "Home Among the Gumtrees"!

Thanks for a great year, Mr Armstrong!

So much music. Photos supplied

Oberon High School

Presentation Night Success

Presentation Night gives us an opportunity to really showcase the talent of our students and the hard work that they put in during the year. Great sponsorship was received from the community which enabled us to provide many of the awards with a substantial gift card as an added reward for the hard work of students during 2024. We had a number of invited guests on the night who accepted an invitation to present awards. The positive feedback from these people is particularly pleasing as they echo what we see each day - great students and a caring and committed staff.

Fiona Abbott - Rlg Principal

Congratulations to all. Click for 54 photos (4:30). Photos supplied

Spooky Sweets!

Our MC class got creative in the kitchen, baking spooky gingerbread men for their Christmas Party, which landed on the eerie date of Friday the 13th. The students enjoyed decorating their gingerbread with creepy designs. It was the perfect mix of festive fun and Friday the 13th spookiness, making their celebration both unique and memorable.

Amy Power - Special Education Teacher

See the gingerbread cooks (1:15). Photos supplied

O'Connell Public School

A big Congratulations to Year 3 for coming in above the national average in all five NAPLAN categories two years in a row. Not all schools can say that. In fact, almost none can.

Students from O'Connell Public School read out a message of thanks at the winners' presentation to everyone who helped to make the 2024 gingerbread project such an enormous success. More than 300 images across O'Connell and lots of money raised for the school.

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