Oberon Matters
Local news for local people

A busy week for schools

November 14, 2024

Oberon Public School

Remembrance Day

Our school community gathered at the Oberon War Memorial to pay their respects to the service men and women. Together with the Oberon community we honored those who have made the ultimate sacrifice. We are proud of our students for showing such respect and gratitude. Lest we forget.

Danni-Lee Thompson l Relieving Principal

Photos supplied

The Sun, Earth and Moon

Students are exploring the earth’s relationship with the sun and how the sun, earth and moon interact. They are learning that the rotation of the earth on its axis causes regular changes, including night and day, and the pattern of the seasons. We have also learnt how the sun gives us energy in many ways.

Shelly McGrath - Science Teacher

Photos supplied.

Disco Divas!

Our wonderful P & C held an after school dress-up disco which was a huge success. Students danced the evening away with their bright coloured glow sticks and enjoyed a sausage sizzle dinner. Thank you to Miss Karla for being a fantastic DJ and thank you also to Wattle Grove Speckle Park for donating the delicious sausages. We appreciate the hard work from the P & C and your support of this event, which raised approximately $2000.

Danni-Lee Thompson l Relieving Principal

See 48 photos from the day here (4:00). Photos supplied

Ready, Set, Match!

Our Stage 2 students enjoyed an action-packed Tennis Gala Day at Oberon Tennis Centre. They had a fantastic time learning tennis skills and playing modified matches. Each student also received a one-hour family court hire voucher, courtesy of Oberon Tennis Club. Thank you for a wonderful day of sport and fun.

Kelly Sheppard l Coordinator

See 27 photos of the fun here (2:15). Photos supplied

Exploring Poetry

This term in library, we have been looking at poetry. We have written poems using inspiration from books we have listened to and looked at. Some of our poems have been individual works, whilst others have been written together as a class.

Belynda Ruhan l Teacher Librarian

Photos supplied

Paintings from Oberon Public School have been selected for display in the 2024 Operation Art exhibition. Operation Art is an initiative of The Children’s Hospital at Westmead in association with the New South Wales Department of Education. You can see the other winners here. The entire exhibition from all the regional schools will be at the Cowra Regional Art Gallery from April 12 to May 4, 2025.

Congratulations to all. Images supplied

O'Connell Public School

Remembrance Day

Our school community gathered at the Rec Ground to pay their respects to the brave service men and women for Remembrance Day. Together, we honored those who sacrificed for our freedom, including a moment of silence and thoughtful reflections. We are proud of our students for showing such respect and gratitude. Lest we forget . Thank you to those parents who were able to assist in transporting students to and from the service!

O'Connell Staff & Students

See 13 photos from the day here (1:05). Photos supplied

Oberon Tennis Gala Day

Students attending the Tennis Gala Day in Oberon are having a "ball". New skills and techniques are being taught in a fun round robin style. A small tournament will test these skills after lunch. Thanks so much to Oberon Tennis Club and Tennis NSW for organising the day!

Mr Hardy | Sport Coordinator

All the action in 11 photos (0:55). Photos supplied

Hampton Public School

We had a new enrolment at Hampton today! But he looks like he could be a prickly student.

New students are always welcome. Photo supplied

Oberon High School

School Service

On November 11 we held our Remembrance Day assembly with special guest, Bill Wilcox from Oberon RSL sub-branch. He is a veteran of the Vietnam War and gave the Ode. Staff and students paid their respects with a commemorative address, the National Anthem as well as the traditional one-minute silence and wreath laying.

Fiona Abbott - Principal Rlg

Photos supplied

School Captains, Samuel Lush, Serenity Saville and Shae McKinnon along with Ms Saboisky represented our school during the Remembrance Day town ceremony at the cenotaph. They laid a wreath in honour of our service personnel who did not return.

Amber Hibbert - Deputy Principal Rlg

Photo supplied

St Joseph's Catholic School

Remembrance Day.

Photos supplied

Draw to Remember

Our students created images using chalk on the playground to show their gratitude for all service men and women. Lest we Forget.

24 photos of chalk drawings (2:00). Photos supplied

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