Oberon Matters
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The school report card

October 31, 2024

Oberon Public School

World Teachers’ Day

October 25 is when we celebrate World Teachers’ Day. It is one of my favourite days to acknowledge the fabulous teachers who work with your children. OPS teachers possess the remarkable ability to inspire, educate and nurture the minds of our students. Each teacher at Oberon Public School displays a dedication and passion for our profession and I thank them for it.

Danni-Lee Thompson l Relieving Principal

Image supplied

Import and Export

During term 4, our Stage 3 Geography classes have been discovering the different affiliations Australia has with other countries. We looked at what Australia imports and exports, and the trade we have with other countries. To embed the knowledge learnt in class, students played a role-based game, where they researched a country and had to import and export products to make a profit. All teams were given $170 and had to make at least 5 trades. There was much bartering and many unprofitable deals being made. Well done to the teams that made a healthy profit!

Jake Turnbull l Geography Teacher

Future commodities brokers. Photos supplied

Pink Up Oberon

On Friday our school was a vision of pink. Students and staff got behind this wonderful initiative, "Pink Up Oberon" to raise awareness about breast cancer. Our students raised $234.00 these funds will go towards the McGrath Foundation. Thank you to the SRC for organising this event.

Cameron Wright l SRC Coordinator

Click to see all 33 photos (2:45). Photos supplied

Counting Collections

Students in 1/2T have been busy developing their knowledge, understanding and skills of making and using equal groups. Students collaborated to figure out the best ways to make equal groups and show their understanding of their findings. They encountered challenges but used creativity to find solutions.

Kelly Thompson l Classroom Teacher

Everybody counts. Photos supplied

State Ten Pin Bowling Championships

Congratulations to our ten pin bowling team, Brayden Hinchliffe, Chase Watson and Zachery Woolard who placed 18th out of 29 schools at the NSW State Championships in Campbelltown on Tuesday. We are incredibly proud of their achievements.

Natalie Beattie l Coordinator

 They made it to the Championships. Photo supplied

Oberon High School

Colourful Chemistry

Year 8 Science students viewed an interesting demonstration this week to show how different chemicals burn different colours. In the solar system, different stars and planets appear different colours because of what they are made of. Barium nitrate produced a yellow flame, strontium chloride produced red flame, sodium chloride (common salt) produced an orange flame, copper sulphate produced a green flame and magnesium ribbon produced a bright white flame.

Georgia Fait - Science Teacher

Some electrons being excited. Photos supplied

Pink Up Oberon

To support breast cancer, students and staff were encouraged to wear pink to raise funds for the McGrath Foundation. It was fantastic to see so much support for such a wonderful cause. OHS raised $185.00 throughout the morning. Well done, everyone!

Ebony Fenton - SRC Coordinator

See all 18 photos here (1:30). Photos supplied

O'Connell Public School

Bush School!!

Another wonderful afternoon spent exploring, playing and learning in the bush! WE LOVE BUSH SCHOOL!!\

Staff and students from K/1/2

Photos supplied

St Joseph's Catholic School

Grandparents Day

Last Friday we celebrated our wonderful Grandparents with a beautiful liturgy led by our students, cake, coffee, shared reading, open classrooms and dancing. A lovely afternoon was had by all.

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