Oberon Matters
Local news for local people

Schools are back in business

October 24, 2024

Oberon Public School

Sensational Space

5/6M have just begun their own space odyssey, exploring the wonders of the solar system. In this lesson, students learned some fun facts about the planets, including that there is a 21km high volcano on Mars! They then attempted to place the planets in order before creating their own mnemonic device for remembering it. Well done 5/6M!

Erin McMurray l Classroom Teacher

See all the photos here (0:55). Photos supplied

The Power of Positivity

3/4R have come back to school with ready smiles and eager minds. This week we have been talking about the power of positivity. Students have been sharing fun and happy stories from their holiday adventures. In class, we have discussed the importance of a positive mindset. Students have made daily affirmations for themselves and have created happy self-portraits!

Paige Ryan l Classroom Teacher

Positive values! Photos supplied

Healthy Harold Visit

Healthy Harold is the much-loved mascot of Life Education Australia to empower our students to make safer and healthier choices. Oberon Public School students had lots of fun while laughing and learning.

Danni-Lee Thompson l Relieving Principal

Harold talks health. Photos supplied

Finding my way

Students in 3/4D are exploring the concept of directionality in Mathematics this week. They have discussed compass points, landmarks and coordinates, and used visual representations to practise navigational skills.

Justine Dabroski - Classroom Teacher

Getting directions right. Photo supplied

Early Start Stars - week 1

This week we welcomed our 2025 kindergarten students to school. Our Early Start program runs each Friday, 9.30am – 1.00pm, weeks 1-7 this term. This program allows children the chance to experience school, become familiar with the teachers and meet their year 5 buddies. Our program has been a long standing and successful transition to school. This week children met new and old friends, had morning tea on the playground and explored some of our wonderful play equipment.

Nicola McMahon l Early Start Coordinator

The parents get a lecture about what will be happening. Photos supplied

Black Springs Public School

Wear Red Day

On Wednesday September 25 our students dressed in red clothes, enjoyed a sausage sizzle lunch and gave gold coin donations to directly support Ronald McDonald House Orange, to keep families under the one roof and close to the hospital. Families often have to travel far from home to receive the medical care their child needs. Ronald McDonald House provides essential care and support for families, only steps away from the hospital. A fun day for a great cause.

Black Springs Public School staff

Wearing red for a good cause. Photo supplied

Life Education

The Life Education Van and Healthy Harold the Giraffe visited our school last wek. All students participated in age appropriate sessions learning about cyber safety, respectful relationships and healthy bodies. The Life Education Van Tours NSW Schools providing information, understanding, skills and strategies that students require to make safe decisions about their own health and well being as they turn into adults.

Black Springs Public School staff

That Harold gets around. Photo supplied

O'Connell Public School

Kindy Orientation

Year 5 Buddys were very excited to meet their new Kindy Friends today. The morning was spent reading books, playing games, completing puzzles, and playing Bingo!

Trish Forsyth | Principal and K-2 Teacher for 2025!

Letting the little ones in on the secrets. Photos supplied

St Joseph's Catholic School

Kinder Transition

We have had a great start to the term welcoming Pre Kinder to our school. They are settling in wonderfully and are enjoying spending time with their buddies, learning about where things are in our school and the routines of Kinder life. We look forward to welcoming them back each Monday for more learning and fun as they get ready to make the transition to Big School next year!

Mrs Meghan Beale Pre K Teacher

Getting ready for BIG SCHOOL! Photo supplied

Oberon High School

Workplace Insights

Work experience has been a recent focus for our support students, who have enjoyed hands-on work placements in Oberon and Bathurst. We would like to sincerely thank employers for their guidance and support of our fantastic students who have grown in confidence and knowledge from their participation in local businesses.

MC Support Staff

Learning about work. Photos supplied

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