Oberon Matters
Local news for local people

It's almost school time again

October 17, 2024

Schools are just back from the holidays, but there's still some news.

Oberon High School

New School Chaplain

I would like to introduce you to our School Chaplain, Kaleb Pipes. Mr Pipes has come to our school with experience from working in the Oberon area. School Chaplains offer a unique dimension of care and support to all members of the school community, including teachers and staff. They bring compassion, understanding, emotional support, as well as providing practical, ongoing support to students and families. Mr Pipes will be available Monday and Wednesday and at break times, will work alongside teachers and students in the classroom, and he will be an extra resource for teachers to support extra-curricular events and activities.

Fiona Abbott - Rlg Principal

The new Chaplain. Photo supplied 

Goal Achieved

Over the past ten weeks, five of our students participated in The Run Beyond Project, committing to regular training sessions around the Oberon area. Their hard work paid off last Sunday when they achieved their goal by completing a 10km race as part of the Three Bridges Run in Parramatta. Well done to Abbey Carberry, Trai Davies, Oliver Ryan-McDermott, Angus Ryan-McDermott and Monorith Yee. A special mention to Monorith who placed 4th in his age group and completed the 10km run in 55 minutes. Thank you to Mr Ray Sargent for attending the excursion and for running on the day.

Tim Graham - Run Coach

The runners. Photo supplied

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