Oberon Matters
Local news for local people

Schools! More activity than a kicked over ants nest

September 26, 2024

O'Connell Public School

Stage 3 Natural Disaster Project

Years 5/6 have presented their term projects and the accompanying dioramas this year were next level. The thought and effort that went into each one was clearly evident. Well done everyone!

Mr Hardy | Stage 3 Teacher

Photos supplied

School Soccer Team

We arrived in the big smoke for the PSSA Soccer Knockout Grand Final. After a quick training run we ventured out for dinner and the chicken schnitzels were a hit! Big sleep tonight ready for the first game at 9am. Wish us luck .

Mr Hardy, Mrs Reeves and kids

Schnitzels for the team. Photo supplied

Soccer Finals

Congratulations to this wonderful group of players for their dedication and sportsmanship in the 2 games today. We went down in game one 4-1 and game two 3-2, but to make it to the State Championships is a huge achievement in itself.

Mr Hardy | Proud Coach

Achievers! Photo supplied

Oberon Public School

Number Knowledge

Kindergarten have been working hard on their number skills. They have been learning combinations to 10 and working hard to apply these to new situations. Over the past fortnight, they have played "fish to 10", built collections of 10, and explored 10 through play.

Nicola McMahon l Classroom Teacher

Everyone counts. Photos supplied

Multi-Sports Day Bathurst

Last Thursday, students from 2-5W attended a multi-sports day at Bathurst Indoor Sports Complex. Students participated in a range of games and activities that were inclusive for all abilities. Everyone had a great day and we saw students display many natural talents in different sports such as volleyball, NRL, golf and soccer. The students should be very proud of the sportsmanship they displayed and the kindness for people around them.

Brooke Wright l Classroom Teacher

All the sports. Photos supplied

Grandparent's Day

Our beautiful grandparents were treated to a special viewing of the "Bringing the World Down Under". All our students have been super busy preparing for our performance and were very excited to share their hard work with their grandparents. Following the performance students and guests enjoyed morning tea. It was lovely to have our grandparents at school with our students.

OPS Teachers

Click to see all the photos from the day

Amazing Athletes

Congratulations to all the athletes who attended the Western Region Athletics carnival in Dubbo on Friday. All the students performed really well. Special congratulations to Tye Newstead who came 3rd in the 11 year boys shot put and Lexi Booth who came 3rd in the junior girls high jump and 2nd in the junior girls 200m. Both these students will now represent western region at the NSW PSSA State Athletics Championships at Homebush in October. Well done!

Danni-Lee Thompson l Relieving Principal

Lexi and Tye. Photo supplied

Super Students

1/2B are super excited to have been recently recognised for being respectful, responsible and safe students, receiving Opsie Owl at assembly. In class we are frequently reviewing the school's Positive Behaviour for Learning (PBL) values and trying our hardest to uphold these within the classroom and playground! We look forward to our upcoming Opsie Acknowledgement! Well done 1/2B!

Tamara Ballasl Classroom Teacher

Positive behaviour gets rewarded. Photo supplied

The Wild Robot

Our Stage 3 students travelled to Metro Cinemas to watch "The Wild Robot" after completing a text study of the novel earlier this year. This exciting excursion allowed students to see the story come to life on the big screen and compare it with the book. Everyone thoroughly enjoyed the film and had a fantastic time.

Stage 3 Teachers

A day out to see "The Wild Robot". Photo supplied
Click to see the official trailer for the film

"THANK YOU" RFS Volunteers

Friday was the day set aside to thank the Rural Fire Service Volunteers. Students wore yellow and brought in a gold coin donation to show their appreciation for those who volunteer to keep us safe. $200.00 was raised and will be donated to our local RFS.

Danni-Lee Thompson l Relieving Principal

Thanking the RFS. Photo supplied
Click to see all the photos from the day

St Joseph's Catholic School

Happy Retirement Mrs Ryan!

We thank you for your 38 years of dedicated service to St Joseph's. Congratulations on your retirement and we wish you all the best.

Mrs Ryan. 38 years! Photo supplied

Something a bit special

Oberon Fire Station had this to say:

On Monday, St Joseph's Catholic School Oberon K - 6 lent us their bus, teachers, playground and students for us to conduct a drill testing firefighters on incident management, emergency life support/triage and road crash rescue. 411 was joined by Fire and Rescue NSW Station 216 Bathurst and 216 HAZMAT, all crews working seamlessly together, practicing skills and having fun. A hug thank you to everyone at Joeys for allowing us to use their facilities, time and people!

Photos supplied

Oberon High School

Creative Showcase

This year, Stage 5's Assessment Task 3 was a Collection of Classwork. 5N created a variety of imaginative texts, including stories, cartoons and picture books. The genres included horror, crime, action and romance! Never a dull moment with Stage 5!

Natasha Saboisky - English Teacher

Photos supplied

Thank you!

Our school library recently received a generous donation of book shelf end panels from Polytec Oberon. These new additions have transformed the library space, providing much-needed storage for our growing collection of books.

Fiona Abbott - Principal Rlg

The new bookshelves. Photo supplied

Year 12 Dress Up Week

This week our wonderful Year 12 students are celebrating the end of their schooling journey with themed dress ups, with a new theme each day.

Heather Wiggins - Year Advisor Rlg

Click to see all the fun. Photos supplied

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