Oberon Matters
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Busy times at Oberon's schools

September 12, 2024

St Joseph's Catholic School

This term continues to be a busy one for Year 4. In Mathematics we enjoyed looking at fractions. The most challenging part was understanding the relationships between percentages, fractions and decimals. Two Dimensional shapes was a hit with us learning about the connections 2D shapes have with each other and how we can reflect, translate and rotate to create tessellating patterns. Manipulating pattern blocks on our chromebooks showed the creative sides of individual students.

In Geography, our unit for the next two terms is Places are Similar and Different. The main focus so far has been looking at Australia and the beauty of our country. We have integrated this into our Visual Arts by creating colourful artworks.

The September 1 is known as Wattle Day. The students loved learning about the diverse varieties of wattle in Australia and why it is our National Floral Emblem and how the colours of green and gold tie into Sport and represent us as a country.

We look forward to the rest of the term and all that it has to offer.

Shapes. Photos supplied

We have just over three weeks until the end of term. How time flies when you're having fun! Whilst the holidays are in sight there are still a number of activities to take place. These include: Enrolment Sunday for Confirmation, Year 4 Retreat, Years 1/2 Excursion, Polding Athletics, Disco, Kinder Excursion and the usual day to day activities.

From all accounts, everyone had an enjoyable morning at the Fathers' Day Breakfast last Friday. Thank you for being there and a special thanks to all staff who contributed to the organisation of the breakfast. It is mornings like these that make our school a special place to belong.

On Tuesday our Year 5 Students enjoyed a day at La Salle Academy Lithgow. They participated in a STEM challenge, Japanese Class and PE. It was a great experience for them to have a taste of what's to come when in high school.

Next Tuesday our Year 4 Students will visit La Salle Academy Lithgow for a retreat day. This is an exciting addition to our Religious Education Program as Year 4 was the only Primary Class not to have a retreat day. The theme is "Together as one" and will cover topics of: Friendship, Gratitude, Prayer & Unity. The day will be facilitated by the students from La Salle.

Miss Rahni Thompson will complete a School Based Traineeship (Certificate III in Education Support) with our school commencing next term and continuing until 2026. This means that Miss Rahni will continue her studies at MacKillop College while spending one day per week with us. We are very grateful to the Catholic Education Diocese of Bathurst for this initiative and look forward to having Rahni in our school.

There's learnin' to be done. Photos supplied

Oberon High School

Spring has Sprung

Sixteen beautiful white lambs have been born on the school farm over the past few weeks. They have captured the hearts of students and staff. We have sets of twins and more ewes are due to give birth any day - a very exciting time. The farm is looking lush and green and is well maintained by students, Ms Wiggins and Mr Frampton.

Fiona Abbott - Principal Rlg

Lambs and some pretty flowers. It's Spring!! Photos supplied

Trendy Mocktails

In the Stage 5 Food Technology assessment for the Trendy Foods unit, students were tasked with designing a creative mocktail. This assignment required them to explore contemporary food trends focusing on flavour combinations and presentation.

Laura Young - Hospitality Teacher

"A great cocktail is like a story in a glass" (Anon). Photos supplied

State Athletics!

Good luck to Cattleya Maloney who has qualified for the 12 yr 100m dash at the State Athletics Carnival at Sydney Olympic Park. Remember to stay focused, give your best effort and have fun.

Ebony Fenton - Coordinator

Cattleya is off and running! Photo supplied

Oberon Public School

Medal Makers

In 5/6W, students have enjoyed the excitement of the Olympics and Paralympics this term. They've been watching the games, exploring the different sports, and cheering on their favorite athletes. Inspired by the Olympic spirit, the students have taken on a creative challenge: selecting an Olympic sport and designing their own Olympic medals. Using Canva, they've created digital designs and then 3D rendered them, seeing their creations brought to life with our school’s 3D printer.

Cameron Wright l Classroom Teacher

Gold medalists! Photos supplied

Devine Dancers

Congratulations to our dance groups who performed at the Bathurst Eisteddfod on Monday. All of our students can be proud of their commitment and their performance. Our Kinder / stage 1 group received 3rd place in their section, with our stage 2 and a stage 3 groups receiving highly commended. Congratulations on this fantastic achievement. A big Thank you to Mrs Beattie, Miss Wright, Miss Ryan and Mrs Thompson for coordinating the dances, organising costumes and rehearsals.

Danni-Lee Thompson l Relieving Principal

Eisteddfoders. Photos supplied

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