Oberon Matters
Local news for local people

Whole lotta schooling going on

August 22, 2024

Oberon High School

Camera Construction

Stage 5 Photography students have been working on a hands-on project, constructing their own SLR 35mm cameras. This activity not only introduces them to the fundamental mechanics of traditional photography but also deepens their understanding of how cameras work.

Racheal Samuels - Visual Arts Teacher

Showing Canon and Nikon how it's done. Photos supplied

Out and about on Work Experience

This term, Year 10 students are completing Work Experience in Oberon and surrounding areas. The purpose of our Work Experience Program is to provide an opportunity for our students to spend time with an employer in a real workplace. This a great way to introduce students to a working environment, and even a career. They improve or gain experience and explore amazing industries that are right here within our community. Students may gain after school and holiday work or even an apprenticeship.

Ebony Fenton - Year 10 Advisor

Learning about work. Photos supplied

Coaching Tennis

Oberon High SLR students have been assisting Andrew Mitton to run the Tennis in Schools Program for Oberon Public school. At least five sessions have been held with every student at Oberon Public having the opportunity to participate in tennis related activities. There have been introductory sessions that provide hitting, hand eye coordination court sense and games and activities in relation to tennis. SLR consists of a Sports Coaching module and helping with the tennis program has allowed them to firsthand get involved in coaching young students across a range of skills. The SLR students have been fantastic throughout the sessions.

Amber Hibbert - Deputy Principal Rlg

Helping out the youngsters. Photo supplied

Which is a nice segue to ...

Oberon Public School

Sensational Snapshots

1/2B have had the pleasure of welcoming Mrs Sellers into our classroom for her teaching practicum. She has guided the class through an exploration of quality literary features, such as alliteration and personification through the text "Mallee Sky". Students have had the opportunity to take their newfound knowledge outside, where they observed different objects within our school environment. This hands-on experience helped deepen their understanding of key concepts. Thank you Mrs Sellers.

Tamara Ballas l Classroom Teacher

Mrs Sellers explains some writing rules. Photo supplied

Terrific Transition

This week we started our visits to Oberon Children's Centre as part of our transition to school program. This experience allows us to meet and build relationships with the incoming children and their families. If you have a school aged child and are interested in our Early Start program, please contact our school office on .

Nicola McMahon l Coordinator

Getting ready for the next big step. Photo supplied

Fabulous Friday Attendance

Congratulations to our attendance raffle winner, Taylor Ellery who came to school 95% of the time or more last fortnight, and it paid off. She received a family meat tray from Barker's Butchery.

Kelly Sheppard l Attendance Team

Taylor knows the importance of turning up. Photo supplied

Tenpin Bowling - Inclusive Sports

A team of four students are off to Bathurst to participate in the Inclusive Sports regional competition. The top three teams from the region will progress to the State competition. We wish them the best of luck.

Natalie Beattie l Coordinator

Three of the four bowlers. Photo supplied

And in late breaking news just in ...

First in the Region!

Congratulations to our ten pin bowling team who came equal first in the Western region at the inclusive sports carnival. They will now progress to the State Championships to be held in Campbelltown in October. We are incredibly proud of this achievement and wish them the best of luck.

Natalie Beattie l Coordinator

Winners!! Photo supplied

Super Spellers

Good luck to Torah and Maisy who will be competing in the NSW Premier's Spelling Bee competition. Torah and Maisy were selected from their stage group and will now compete at the regional level via Zoom. We wish them the best of luck.

Emma Graham l Assistant Principal

Torah and Maisy know where the letters go. Photo supplied

Electrifying Energy

In this lesson, students explored the power of electrical energy. Starting with a hands-on investigation, they predicted, observed and explained how static electricity can make things move. Students learnt about electricity and identified its uses in our lives. They learnt about renewable and non-renewable sources of energy, particularly solar energy.

Shelly McGrath l Science Teacher

Sticky static. Photos supplied

St Joseph's Catholic School

Bathurst eisteddfod here we come!!!

Our Primary students are excited to perform the pieces they have been busy rehearsing.

Tuning up the voices. Photo supplied

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