Oberon Matters
Local news for local people

Up in the morning and out to school

August 8, 2024

O'Connell Public School

Bush School Session

Our younger students enjoyed their first 2 hour session of Bush School last week. So wonderful to be out in the forest every fortnight to explore, create and just be!

Trish Forsyth | Principal / Forest school Leader

Out in the bush. Photo supplied

Oberon High School

Education Week assembly

Student award recipients were presented with their Education Week awards. The award recognises students who have shown academic success. We also recognise community members who have supported the school regularly over the past years. This year's award went to Fenton’s Bus Service.

Fiona Abbott - Principal Rlg

The winners!! Photos supplied

Western Success

On Friday 2nd August, Miss Fenton accompanied students to the Western Athletics Carnival held in Dubbo. It was an early start and a long trip but that did not stop Cattleya Maloney who finished second in the 12 year girls 200m dash. She is off to represent Oberon High at the State carnival. Congratulations to all of our athletes:

  • Year 7 - Lillian Bennett, Jason Certoma, Charlie Christie-Johnston, Nate Hotham, Ashleigh Mckenzie, Shania Kelly, Amelia Milton, Cattleya Maloney and Boati Smith.
  • Year 8 - Madison Gehrig-Fraser
  • Year 9 - Connor Newland and Libby Taylor
  • Year 10 - David Gleeson
  • Year 11 - Jorja Taylor

Fiona Abbott - Principal Rlg

Cattleya Maloney. Photo supplied

Come You Spirits theatre company visit.

Jo Bloom, the director of "Come You Spirits", a Sydney based theatre company, and Neville Ross, treasurer of Oberon Rotary, visited our school today. They met with twenty students to begin planning Oberon High School's involvement in Rotary's first ever Oberon Shakespeare Festival in March 2025. We hope to include local groups including the Columbia Nursing Home and the Malachi Gilmore Hall in the festival.

Natasha Saboisky - Drama Teacher

Jo Bloom and some aspiring actors. Photo supplied

See also: The play's the thing.

Oberon Public School

Perfect Place Value

3/4D students have been enjoying learning during mathematics. Students consolidated their understanding of place value while playing a very competitive game. The key to this game is to position your numbers carefully so you can win!

Lorraine Hotham l Classroom Teacher

Put the point in its place. Photos supplied

Wonderful Warhol

5/6A have been studying the pop artist Andy Warhol. We have explored a variety of his works and produced our own artworks inspired by his style. 5/6A have created some amazing pieces and enjoyed experimenting with colours and techniques to achieve great results.

Taya Austen l Classroom Teacher

Pop up the pop art. Photos supplied

Thank you!

We would like to take this opportunity to thank our local businesses who have generously supported our school during 2024 by donating vouchers or goods for our fortnightly attendance raffle! Their contribution not only helps to make our raffles more exciting but also demonstrates their commitment to fostering and encouraging student attendance and participation. Thank you to Barker's Butchery, FoodWorks, The Cave Pizza, Oberon Farm Meats, The Royal Hotel, Oberon Cafe and Mawhood's SUPA IGA.

Danni-Lee Thompson l Relieving Principal

A great big Thank You. Photo supplied

Good Luck!

Good luck to Mason Christie-Johnston who is representing Western Region at the NSW PSSA State Touch Football Championships in Wollongong. We know you will represent Oberon Public and Western Region proudly. We look forward to hearing the results.

Danni-Lee Thompson l Relieving Principal

Mason plays golf, too. Photo supplied

Beyond Our Borders

With the start of Semester 2 underway, our focus has shifted from History to Geography. In Stage 3, we began with an introductory lesson exploring the world, comparing different continents and countries. Students analysed various terrains using Google Earth to see what it would be like to live in a different country.

Jake Turnbull l Geography Teacher

Geographers. Photo supplied

Fabulous Friday Attendance

Congratulations to our attendance raffle winner, Ella Costa who came to school 95% of the time or more last fortnight, and it paid off. She received a dinner voucher from the Royal Hotel.

Kelly Sheppard l Attendance Team

Ella, champion turner-upper. Photo supplied

Education Week 2024

We held a special school assembly to celebrate Education Week. The theme for Education Week 2024 is "Proud to belong". Our assembly acknowledged two students from each class for their commitment to learning and citizenship. We also acknowledged outstanding citizenship across each stage with Mayor Kellam presenting the Oberon Council Citizenship Awards. This was a wonderful opportunity for us to acknowledge and thank community members for their contribution to our school. Mrs Bev O'Brien was acknowledged for the many years she has been volunteering at our school, as well Kirsten and Murray Fenton for their work at Oberon Bus Service. There was also a wonderful performance from our school choir. Congratulations to all of our hard working students.

Danni-Lee Thompson l Relieving Principal

Mayor Mark Kellam and some very good citizens. Photo supplied

St Joseph's Catholic School

We were treated to a special visit from NSW Swifts Netball player Teigan O'Shannassy. Teigan was wonderfully generous in sharing her time, providing autographs, answering many questions and posing for lots of photos. Our students gained a valuable insight into the life of an elite sportsperson. Many thanks to Sharon Inwood for organising Teigan to visit. Sharon is always a big supporter of St. Joseph's.

Teigan and a rapt audience. Photo supplied

Eastern Region Athletics

Congratulations to our St Joseph's athletes who showed great sportspersonship, determination, perseverance and talent in Bathurst.

So many people to thank who ensured the success of our carnival....
To our St Joseph's families who supported and cheered on all of our students.
To our amazing St Joseph's staff. We were the organising school for this carnival. It was a real team effort to bring it all together, including those who held the fort back at school.
To the many staff members from other schools who also kindly stepped up and assisted today.
A special mention must go to Mrs Meghan Beale, our convenor who has spent hours ensuring today was such a success. We are so grateful for your expertise and organisation which was evident today.
Thank you to Mackillop College for hosting our carnival today and particularly your grounds and IT staff who assisted us.
Thank you to Little Athletics who shared their equipment and expertise. It was very much appreciated.

A great day was had by all!

Athletics - an individual team effort. Photo supplied

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