Oberon Matters
Local news for local people

Up in the morning and out to school

June 13, 2024

St Joseph's Catholic School

Netball NSW Schools Cup

Last week St Joseph's had five teams compete in the Netball Schools Cup Gala Day. All students thoroughly enjoyed the day and showed great sportsmanship. Thank you to Miss Brooke Booth for her efforts in coordinating the day, to our staff who coached the teams and to our families who supported our teams on the day. A special thank you also needs to be given to the MacKillop students who kindly volunteered their umpiring skills on the day. A great day was had by all!

Netballers! Photos supplied

Oberon Health Service stolen generations plaque unveiled

A number of our students attended a plaque unveiling and morning tea at the Oberon Hospital. It was an honour to be invited and we were very proud of our students who showed great respect and were wonderful representatives of our school.

At the hospital. Photo supplied

What a great start to Term 2 Kindergarten has had, settling quickly into a daily routine, sharing their stories during morning circle and using their soundwaves letter/sound knowledge to write sentences about their weekly literature book.

Kindergarten has enjoyed learning about time in mathematics, making their own clocks and learning to tell o’clock time as well as building their own school map of the various places around the school in Science. Students engaged in dot painting using warm colours from the Indigenous flag for National Reconciliation week last week to represent their learning and understanding of Indigenous cultures and the Stolen Generations. The students' favourite time is attending the Oberon Gym and Tennis centre each week during sport rotations, engaging in various workouts and learning to play tennis using their gross motor skills.

Miss Natahlia Stapleton- Kindergarten Teacher 2024

Photos supplied

Music at St Joseph's

Many thanks to ex-student Mickey Pye, Finn and Tameka from Bathurst Academy of Music for sharing their talent and expertise with our students on Friday. The students were treated to a medley of well known songs and also a whole school music lesson where they co-wrote a song.

Mickey, Tameka and Finn. Photo supplied

Oberon Public School

Sounds of the Savannah

Students in 1/2T have dived into the rhythm of Africa! They have been developing their listening skills by playing as part of a group. They have been listening to the bass and tone of the drums or shekere and playing it loud or soft. Students have been learning how important it is to feel the beat and keep in time when playing instruments. They are enjoying our weekly music lessons.

Kelly Thompson l Classroom Teacher

I hear the drums echo in the night. Photos supplied

Mastering Measurements

2-5W have been exploring perimeter with formal and informal units of measurement over the last few weeks. They have been having lots of fun and have been engaged with hands on experiences.

Brooke Wright l Classroom Teacher

Measuring. Photo supplied

Captivating Canberra!

Another terrific day in Canberra! Stage 3 started the day at Mount Ainslie lookout before learning about how coins are made at the Mint. Then it was on to the National Museum and Government House in the afternoon. The students are also very excited to visit the Sports and Aquatic Centre tonight. What a fantastic day!

Stage 3 Teachers

That's Canberra in the background. Photo supplied

Reconciliation Art

During Reconciliation Week students in 3/4D creatively coloured artwork in different patterns and designs. These artworks were then carefully combined to construct this beautiful masterpiece.

Lorraine Hotham l Classroom Teacher

Great artwork! Photo supplied

Good Luck!

Good luck to our Cross Country team who are competing in the Western Region Cross Country Carnival in Orange. We know you will represent Oberon Public and Bathurst District proudly. We look forward to hearing the results.

Danni-Lee Thompson l Relieving Principal

Runners!!! Photo supplied

Oberon High School

Course Completed

Recently, students completed their White Card NSW Course. This course covers the topics required to demonstrate the knowledge and skills to work safely in the construction industry. It is a basic entry level course covering personal awareness, basic risk management, hazard identification and emergencies.

Cheryl Fitzpatrick - Careers Advisor

Future builders. Photo supplied

Western Cross Country

Good luck to our students; Occy Powell, Ollie Blofield, Connor Newland, Wyatt Day, Millie Milton, Jason Certoma, Charlie Christie-Johnston, Monorith Yee, Cattleya Maloney, Reuben Marshall (absent from photo) and Kaleb Odobasic (absent from photo) who have qualified in the Western Cross Country at Gosling Creek Reserve. Remember to stay focused, give your best effort and have fun.

Ebony Fenton - Coordinator

Off to the Western Cross Country. Photo supplied

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