Oberon Matters
Local news for local people

First week back for Oberon's school

May 2, 2024

Oberon High School

Muffin Madness

Today our students in Stage 5 Technology Mandatory were learning how to utilise different tools for icing cakes in preparation for the cake decorating practical assessment. Students followed the recipe to prepare and cook blueberry and cream cheese frosting muffins.

Laura Young l TAS Teacher

Photos supplied

Animation and Gaming Info Session

On Wednesday the 10th of April Ms Samuels organised a career's talk and information session for students who may be interested in working in the digital realm of animation and gaming. We were extremely lucky to have a local lady, Jen Dickinson, who is the Animation Director at Flying Bark in the Blue Mountains. She works on "Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur". Jen spoke to a select group of students from stage 5 and 6 about the work she has done, how to work in the digital animation and gaming industries along with examples of her work and who to contact. The talk was full of fantastic information for the students who had an opportunity to ask Mrs Dickinson further questions about digital careers. The students thoroughly enjoyed the talk and discussion.

Amber Hibbert - Deputy Principal Rlg

Photos supplied


Our school captains and student representatives were proudly involved in the ANZAC day march. During the march Patrick Cole represented Oberon High as the flag bearer and our captains, Ella Robinson, Maegan Weatherstone and Caelan Levanic laid a wreath at the cenotaph. Our school honours all community members, past and present, who have served in the armed forces.

Amber Hibbert - Deputy Principal Rlg

Photos supplied

St Joseph's Catholic School

First Day of Term 2!

We welcomed 4 new students to our Joey's family. We played with our new footy post. We enjoyed being reunited with our friends and teachers. We shared tales of our holiday adventures. There is fresh paint around the school. Our school grounds look amazing. What a wonderful first day back!

It's good to be back. Photos supplied

Oberon Public School

ANZAC Day March

We were very proud to watch our students contribute to the local ANZAC Day march. Thank you to those parents who brought their children along to participate in this commemoration.

Danni-Lee Thompson I Relieving Principal

Photos supplied

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