Oberon Matters
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That's it for Term 1

April 18, 2024

Oberon Public School

Term 1 Achievements

Yesterday we recognised some of the achievements of our wonderful students during term 1. We acknowledged and celebrated students who achieved their silver and gold medallions. Congratulations to all our swimming champions who received their trophies. Hampton captains also accepted the swimming carnival shield. We are very proud of our hard-working and dedicated students. Our school leaders looked amazing in their new blazers. Following the assembly, students enjoyed morning tea with their invited guests.

Danni-Lee Thompson l Relieving Principal

District Touch Football Representatives

Congratulations to Mason, Marshall and Oliver who trialled for the Bathurst District Touch Football team yesterday. Special congratulations to Mason and Marshall who were successful in making the district team. They will now participate at the Western Region selection trials in Dubbo on Monday 6th May. Well done boys!

Danni-Lee Thompson l Relieving Principal

Mason, Marshall and Oliver. Photo supplied

That's a Wrap

During this term, students in 1/2B have recognised repeating patterns in mathematics, used their listening skills to create an artwork focussing on elements such as line, size and colour as well as using important technology programs such as Canva and Reading Eggs. Students have also loved watching their seeds grow during our science unit. Congratulations on a wonderful term of learning!

Tamara Ballas l Classroom Teacher

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