Oberon Matters
Local news for local people

School's back after the summer holiday

February 8, 2024

Oberon High School

Oberon High School held an assembly on Monday February 5 during which the school's wellbeing team said thank you to Oberon's community organisations who contribute immensely to the wellbeing of the school and the community in which the school serves. Both Mawhood's IGA and FoodWorks were presented with a plaque in recognition of their donations to the Breakfast Club program. The program runs three days per week to support students who miss out on breakfast. Breakfast Club has been highly successful, by providing breakfast to the student's they are able to concentrate and focus on their class work. The school also acknowledged Oberon Christian Life Centre by presenting a Certificate of Appreciation for organising and providing resources to help many families during the past year and over the holidays. Due to the increasing rise in interest rates and everyday costs of living so many in our community are finding it tough to make ends meet. Thank you Mawhood's IGA, FoodWorks and Chistian Life Centre for your kindness and generosity. Your contributions make such a meaningful difference in the lives of our students, their families and our staff. Jesse Curnuck - School Chaplain

Photo supplied

On Australia Day, I attended the awards ceremony held at the Oberon Library. It was great to see over 200 community members fill the new air-conditioned facility. Our Year 9 student, Max Meredith received one of the Sportsperson of the Year awards. Unfortunately, Max was unable to attend as he was competing in the ABCRA National Finals Rodeo at Tamworth. Congratulations, Max!
Fiona Abbott - Principal Rlg

Max Merideth. Photo supplied

Oberon Public School

Welcome back! It was great to see our students full of excitement and smiling as they arrived at school today. Welcome to our new students and their families. Kindergarten started on Monday 5th February. We are looking forward to a fantastic year.
Danni-Lee Thompson, Relieving Principal

Photos supplied

St Joseph's Catholic School

Our Kinder children had a fantastic first day of BIG school! Photos supplied

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