Oberon Matters
Local news for local people

"In The A.M." in the PM

February 6, 2025

If you weren't at the Oberon Golf club during the afternoon of Sunday, January 19, you missed a great musical show by the duo In The A.M.

The duo consists of locals Adrian Perry (from Tarana) on electric guitar and Mal Voerman (from Oberon) on acoustic guitar and vocals. They have known each other since high school but the group has only been officially together for a couple of months. You wouldn't guess this from seeing them working together.

Adrian and Mal

The music was a mixture of classic rock and country (those hats were a clue to what was coming) and the duo effortlessly moved between genres. They will be regular performers at the golf club with a show every month, so make sure you get along for some excellent entertainment.

And where did the name "In The A.M." come from?  It's from the initials of Adrian and Mal. One of their friends made it up and it stuck.

You can find out where they are playing by following their Facebook page.

Apology - the usual practice here is to include examples of the music. Two independent recordings were made of some of the show. One recording defied three music players or editors (VLC, Adobe Audition and Audacity) to even open it and failed a conversion between formats. The other one was recorded in a part of the room that meant that a combination of dreadful acoustics and audience chatter made it hard to pick out the music at all. Murphy's Law - it's universal.

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