Oberon Matters
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Possible reprieve for the Calare electorate

June 20, 2024

The Australian Electoral Commission conducts a periodical review of all the federal electorates in Australia to ensure that they meet the legislated criteria for population. Often this means that electoral boundaries might change to more closely reflect demographics, and sometimes electorates can disappear completely, being absorbed into neighbouring electorates.

For some time there has been speculation that the Calare electorate which includes Oberon could be drastically changed, and even go completely. The AEC have now released all the proposed changes for the next federal election and while some electorates have gone (North Sydney, for example), the suggested boundaries of Calare have remained unchanged.

The blue indicates the suggested redistribution, red is existing boundary.
Click for a larger view

The sitting Member for Calare, Independent Andrew Gee, was obviously relieved at the recommendation and had this to say:

14 June 2024


I'm pleased that the Australian Electoral Commission (AEC) has decided not to move the electoral boundaries of Calare.

I made two submissions putting forward that there should be no change to the boundaries.

To me, it did not make sense to change Calare's boundaries when it is one of the few electorates in New South Wales that meets the AEC's voter enrolment quotas.

It shows that our communities are thriving and that there are strong communities of interest between them.

I'm grateful that the draft boundaries align with my submissions.

The boundaries aren't final yet, and I would anticipate making a further submission affirming that the draft boundaries for Calare should be made permanent.

I always thought that the Liberal Party submission that Calare should be abolished and the name removed was always more of a political submission, rather than one that reflected the best interests of the Central West. The draft boundaries look very sensible for our country communities.

I won't be saying too much more on it as I believe it's important to let the AEC get on with its work. I'll continue to have input via the submissions process.

The final determination of boundaries is expected to be announced on October 10.

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