Oberon Matters
Local news for local people

Playgroup is back in Oberon

March 6, 2025

The new and revitalised Forest Friends Playgroup had their first meeting of the year at Oberon Public School on March 3 and Oberon Matters went along for a look. (The playgroup first started in 1985, so it's back for its 40th birthday.)

Organised by volunteers Brianna Lonergan and Hayley Byrom, the group meets at 9:30 every Monday morning at the school and caters for kids from 0 to 5 years old. Turnout on the first day suggests that there is a real need in town for something like this, and already thought is being given to what happens if the current space gets too crowded.

Anyone who has had children knows about the social problems and feelings of isolation that a brand new creature in their lives can bring along, both for parents and for the children themselves, and this can be even more difficult if the family has recently moved. (Personal anecdote - my parents relocated when I was just under five and my own family moved house when our daughter was about the same age. PB) Having a place where mothers (and fathers, of course) can get together with other parents to share some company is a great asset. And the kids all looked like this was the best thing to ever happen to them and were interacting like they'd known each other for ever.

You can find out more at the playgroup's Facebook page. To keep themselves busy, Brianna and Hayley are also involved in the Oberon Pharmacy's Mums & Bubs group.

Forest Friends Playgroup is affiliated with Playgroup NSW.

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