Oberon Matters
Local news for local people

Get together with some friends

February 20, 2025

On the third Wednesday each month a group gets together at the Oberon Uniting Church for lunch. The Combined Churches Friendship Group is what it says on the tin - a group to encourage friendship. Despite being organised by churches and held on a church grounds, everyone is welcome. A light lunch is provided and all that anyone is required to do is put a gold coin into the bucket and have a good time talking to neighbours and friends.

Like the Oberon Men's Shed, it's somewhere where people who might otherwise live lonely lives can connect with others and so it can be seen as contributing to the community's overall mental health, although like the Shed it isn't the main reason - it's a nice byproduct.

On the day that Oberon Matters attended the speaker was Sister Maria Sullivan who talked about her spiritual journey, but the monthly speakers can come from almost anywhere to tell their stories. Everyone has an interesting history, and telling people about it is a way to show that a community is made up of a wide variety of people and experiences.

Sister Maria Sullivan, and soup being served.

A couple of views of the about 30 people enjoying lunch and friendship.

You can always find out when the next meeting is on by looking at the What's On page here.

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