Oberon Matters
Local news for local people

It's showtime, folks!

February 13, 2025

The weekend of February 8 and 9 saw the running of the 125th Oberon Show. Despite a clash of dates with the nearby Rydal Show (why?) which had stands, competitors and exhibiters forced to make a choice, there was still plenty to see and do. And it wasn't spoiled by rain later in the day.

Most of the regular show features were there - sheep dogs, quick shear, equestrian, photography, art, wool, flowers, poultry (Peter and Leanne Taylor were honoured with Life Membership of the Oberon Show Society for their tireless work over many years with the poultry exhibit), ...

A special annual event is the election of the Young Woman of the Year. This year the award went to Claudia Humphries, with the runner-up being Clare Mawhood

Clare and Claudia with the dignitaries.

Some special mentions:

Oberon Men's Shed kept everyone fed with a sausage sizzle.

Real snakes. And lizards!

Kenzell Farm brought along the Animal Nursery.

A mermaid, and a fairy making bubbles.

The SES were hanging people in the air.

Oberon Fire Station warned about cooking oil fires.
That fire is half a cup of water poured into a cup of burning canola oil.

So let's just wander around pointing the camera at things.

There are 26 photos in this 2:10 video.

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