Oberon Matters
Local news for local people

Watching with wolves

February 6, 2025

Another great night out at the pictures for a showing of "200% Wolf" at the Black Springs Community Hall. The audience wasn't as big as everyone had hoped for, but everyone who turned up for the free night out enjoyed themselves. Who wouldn't like a movie that has a dog in it who carries a tennis ball everywhere in his mouth? And there was popcorn, so there was nothing to complain about.

These free movie showings at Black Springs are an enjoyable way to spend an evening, eat some hotdogs and popcorn and spend some times with the neighbours. And the kids love it, judging by the reaction on the night. Keep watching What's On to find out when the next show will be on.

And if you couldn't make it on the night, you can see the official trailer for the film below to show you what you missed.

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