Oberon Matters
Local news for local people

Let's learn about fossicking

February 6, 2025

Fossicking in the rivers and streams around Oberon is a major tourist attraction, so it was handy to have a day when visitors (and locals) could find out about it from experts.

On Saturday, January 18, about 150 people registered for an information day at the Oberon Visitor Information Centre. On hand were experts from several fossicking and mineral hunting groups eager to demonstrate such techniques as panning and using metal detectors. There a were also several displays of gemstones and other things that can be found with a little effort and a walk to a stream.

Even the local wildlife popped in for a look.

If all you wanted to do was fossick for some sustenance, Ruella's coffee van was there and the Oberon Men's Shed were cooking up a sausage sizzle.

If you want to try it for yourself you don't even need any equipment, because fossicking kits and maps are available from the Visitor Information Centre in Ross Street. It's a fun day in the outdoors and you never know, there might still be some gold in them thar hills.

You can hire a fossicking kit for $30 per day.

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