Oberon Matters
Local news for local people

Winners in the big raffle

December 5, 2024

Oberon Men's Shed Inc's Cost of Living Christmas Raffle was drawn and the winners are:

Craig from Sydney
Tara from Oberon
Taliana from Kelso.

Barrel girl for the draw was Sukh Kalkat, co-owner of Foodworks with her husband Inderpal who partnered the Men's Shed in this raffle. Craig has very generously donated his prize to a local charity to assist locals with Christmas and has left it to the Shed to pass the donation on.

And the winners are!

Following Craig's generosity, the Shed has distributed grocery vouchers to the following:

  • St Barnabas Church to assist with their Christmas Day lunch for the less fortunate in our community.
  • United Churches Friendship Group to assist with meals at their monthly meetings for locals seeking a little companionship.
  • Vinnies to assist with Christmas hampers.
  • Life Church Care to assist with Christmas hampers.

Dave McMurray from the Men's Shed said "Oberon Men's Shed Inc. and Foodworks Oberon are thrilled to have assisted Craig and his wife to distribute some Christmas cheer to the wider community.

"Thanks to all who participated in the Cost of Living Christmas Raffle and Congratulations to the winners."

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