Oberon Matters
Local news for local people

This week's Minute with Mayor McKibbin

December 5, 2024

Oberon Council is delighted to be part of the Central West Village Voice providing a wider and more diverse readership so those communities in our vicinity know what is occurring in Oberon and its villages and can join with us in those activities. It also allows Oberon residents to know what is occurring in surrounding towns and villages outside the Oberon council area. There is free space for Community groups to update us on their events and those groups are actively encouraged to do so. Oberon Businesses now have the opportunity to promote their goods and services to a wider audience both in print and digitally. 

The Oberon Redfin roundup was held on Lake Oberon over the weekend of 30 November and 1 December and despite the rain was an outstanding success with over 140 competing to hook the most fish. Fishers were fishing from the shore and from canoes/kayaks despite the torrential rain on Saturday and sporadic showers on Sunday.  Eager fishermen and fisherwomen were seeking shoals of redfin and trout in every inlet. The Fishing Shed Bathurst was again the major sponsor of the event which has been running for 6 years. Wayne Cole of the Fishing Shed awarded the prizes, and the lucky door prize of an electric motorised kayak was won by local identity John Harvey.

There were 67 Redfin landed across the weekend and the average length was 24cm. Ben was the lucky winner of the longest Redfin at 39cm and the most landed, a whopping 30 fish. The longest Redfin caught by a junior was won by Patrick at 25.5cm and the most Redfin caught by a Junior was won by James who landed 2 fish. There were also a number of nice trout caught across the weekend.

On 7 December Oberon will celebrate its End of Year Spectacular in the main street from 4pm till 8.30pm. The street is closed and filled with street stalls, entertainment and children’s activities. Christmas carols start at 4.00pm. The official opening is at 5.10 pm and then Santa arrives at 5.45 pm introduced by drummers and Aboriginal dancers. The party then starts with the band "Safety of Life at Sea" with local entertainment in the band breaks. Children’s activities include axe throwing, balloon sculptures, archery, laser tag and a petting zoo. Other activities include tarot card reading, caricature sketches, giant bubble making, roving circus and a vintage car display. A 360-degree camera will also be used at the event. Our Butcher and Citizen of the Year, Wayne Barker, will be cooking up a storm on the free BBQ. A time to relax and enjoy for all.

On 21 December Black Springs will be holding its Bush Carols at the Black Springs Hall. Buses will leave from the Oberon Churches at 5.30 pm. There will be a free sausage sizzle from 5.30 pm at Black Springs with children’s Gifts from 6.30 to 7pm and Carols from 7pm to 9pm lead by some local talented musicians and singers. A great night for all. Contact Kerry Gibbons 0n  for further details.

There will be road closures in Oberon Council area that will affect people travelling to and from Bathurst and Sydney that residents need to be aware of:

Closure of the Fish River Bridge at O’Connell

  • 10:00pm to 5:00am Wednesday 4 December
  • 10:00pm to 5:00am Tuesday 10 December

Jenolan Caves Road at Hampton between Old Bindo Road and Duckmaloi Road.

The road will be closed between 7am and 5pm on:

  • Thursday 5 December
  • Friday 6 December
  • Monday 9 December
  • Tuesday 10 December
  • Thursday 12 December

Check the Transport for NSW website for updates https://www.transport.nsw.gov.au/projects/current-projects

The abundance of wet weather has seen not only our pastures thrive but also our weeds. Serrated tussock will be in full seed and easy to detect and it is time to start controlling not only thistles (all varieties) but Blackberry, St Johns Wart and Broom. The better we control the weeds this year the easier it is next year.

A reminder that as we approach Christmas and the height of summer, we need to be all prepared for the fire season despite the torrential rain recently. Cut back around our houses, clean out the gutters and ensure our pumps, hoses and firefighting gear are operable and ready to use.

Andrew McKibbin
Oberon Mayor

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