Oberon Matters
Local news for local people

Oberon childcare extension starts construction

November 21, 2024

The following media release from Member for Bathurst, Paul Toole, contains some very good news.

Expanding the childcare services in the Oberon district is playing a vital part of ensuring the local workforce can make a real commitment to remaining in the district on the longer term.

What it will look like

Member for Bathurst Paul Toole has been playing an instrumental role in ensuring the need for first class childcare facilities is being addressed.

He is pleased to see major progress being made on extensions to the Oberon Children's Centre, made possible thanks to the ongoing support from the NSW Government.

Mr Toole obtained funding of more than $1.6 million for the important project which is forging ahead on a block of land right next door to the current facility on the corner of North and King Streets.

A dwelling on that parcel of land has already been demolished to make way for the expansion with the construction phase now well underway.

"The slab has been poured and it's great to see work underway on the new building which will include a multipurpose community building with therapy rooms, a kitchen, a children's play space, and a play area for children aged 3 to 5 years," Mr Toole said.

"I know that Oberon Children's Centre director Karina Evans and her team are elated to see the project progressing so well, as are the parents and families of the youngsters who spend time there during these all important formative years in an environment which helps ensure they have the very best start to learning the basics of an education which in turn creates the ideal learning platform to set them up for life."

And the work goes on.

Mr Toole said it's important for a town such as Oberon to be able to offer its residents childcare facilities that are second to none.

"It means you can raise a family in the district knowing that when you do have children they can be on a level playing field with other larger regional cities when it comes to being able to get an education while mum and dad can earn an income without the worry of finding placements for the kids," he said.

 The expansion of Oberon Children's Centre project is jointly funded by the Australian and NSW Government's Bushfire Local Economic Recovery Fund.

Member for Bathurst Paul Toole with Centre Director Karina Evans and children. Photo supplied

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