Oberon Matters
Local news for local people

A night out at the flicks

November 7, 2024

On Saturday, November 2, a good sized crowd with a good mix of ages was treated to a free screening of the film "Despicable Me 4" at the Black Springs Community Hall.

Food and drinks were available at prices which would be a mystery to the operators of cinemas elsewhere, where a night out usually requires a visit to the bank manager to arrange a loan or an extension to the credit card limit. And there was POPCORN!

To get everyone in the mood for the night, there was a Minion outside demanding that anyone entering had to say the password. As all the passwords used by Oberon Matters are held in a secure system on the office computer network this presented a small problem, but the use of the universal "pa55word" allowed entry. (And yes - that was once seen as the password into an important system used by a company that claimed to be very conscious of security!)

A giant Minion, demanding the password.

It's a bit hard to take photos in a dark picture theatre, but the effort was made.

Hopefully there will be many more fun nights like this at the hall. They are a great way to get the community together and there didn't look like there was any urgency for people to rush off home after the show rather than hang around chatting. The kids were too hyped up after the movie to make anyone think it was bedtime anyway.

And if you couldn't make it on the night, you can see the official trailer for the film below to show you what you missed.

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