Oberon Matters
Local news for local people

2024 Community Expo

August 15, 2024

On Thursday, August 15, the Oberon community got together in the Community Centre for a Community Expo, where local organisations and businesses could tell the public about what they do and why they do it.

Retiring Mayor Mark Kellam opened the Expo and welcomed everyone.

As well as having our own table, Oberon Matters had a walk around pointing the camera at things.


You can see a list of the exhibitors in the image below. And yes, Oberon Men's Shed is listed twice and Oberon Matters not at all, but that doesn't really matter - being there on the night did.

The other thing happening on the night was the presentation of 48 "Section 356" grants from Oberon Council to worthy local residents,  and organisations.

The audience for the award presentations.

The awards were presented by Councillor Katie Graham. Possibly the biggest cheer of the night came when the young lass accepting the certificate on behalf of St Joseph's Catholic School said "We will use the money wisely".

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