Oberon Matters
Local news for local people

Author talk - Susan Ackroyd

May 23, 2024

On Friday, May 17, Susan Ackroyd gave a presentation at Oberon Library about her book "Rhyme and Reason", subtitled "English history through nursery rhymes". The talk was organised by the Friends of Oberon Library (FOOLs).

Getting ready for the start of the talk.

The accompanying slide show took the audience through the history of some of the nursery rhymes that everyone had known since childhood. Like Grimm's fairy tales, some of the background stories would probably give today's kids nightmares, but the verses were a way of making political and other commentary in a way that didn't necessarily attract the attention of the authorities. "Three Blind Mice" isn't about mice or a farmer's wife!

After the talk, everyone was invited to share some very nice hot soup provided by FOOls.

You can read a more comprehensive review of the book here.

This was one of a series of author presentations put on at the library by FOOLs. The previous one was Kim Kelly talking about her novel "Ladies' Rest and Writing Room". Future events will be publicised at the library and through the "What's On" page here.

Author Susan Ackroyd.

About FOOLs

The aims of FOOLS are:

  • To promote and support the Oberon library within the local community and help facilitate its use and enjoyment by all and have fun doing it.
  • To assist in acquiring additional resources and services for the Oberon Library
  • To lobby on behalf of the Oberon Library
  • To encourage the involvement of the community in the daily activities, needs and progress of the Oberon Library

Membership applications are available at the library and the Council offices.

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