Oberon Matters
Local news for local people

80 years of doing wonderful work

May 23, 2024

Oberon got together on Saturday, May 18, to celebrate the 80th birthday of the Oberon Hospital Auxilliary.

80 years!

There was a continuously running slide show highlighting the history of the Auxilliary, but these three tell what the organisation is all about.

The MC for the night was Auxilliary Patron Kathy Sajowitz and the guests included all levels of government. Two highlights of the event were a collection of 80 wonderful cupcakes decorated by Stella McGrath and a competition to find the best dressed people wearing clothes that had been bought from the Op Shop.

Kathy keeping the proceedings moving along.

All levels of government, plus a ring-in. State MP Paul Toole, Oberon Councillor Helen Hayden,
federal MP Andrew Gee and Brenda Lyon who won the "Dressed by the Op Shop" competition.

Cup cakes by Stella.

The night wasn't really about speeches, but both politicians, Paul Toole and Andrew Gee, spoke about the importance of the Auxilliary and the work it does. Other guests were Kim Jones who represented the United Hospital Auxilliaries and Annabelle Gilbert, President of the Oberon Branch.

Some scenes around the room.

The Hospital Auxilliary is a very important part of Oberon's community and the current and past committee members must be thanked and congratulated for the excellent work they have done over the past 80 years. That work goes on today under the current committee and hopefully will continue for decades to come.

  • Patron Kathy Sajowitz
  • President Annabelle Gilbert
  • Vice President Rosayln Brown
  • Secretary Sarah McKenzie
  • Treasurer Bronwyn Harvey
  • Publicity Lurline Ralls
  • Marcia Armstrong
  • Jill Baxter
  • Therese Dillon
  • Judy Haslop
  • June Evans
  • Rhonda Boyce
  • Cheryl Moorehouse
  • Terresa Gilding
  • Warren Gilding
  • Laurie Kirkham
  • Jan Hazelwood

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