Oberon Matters
Local news for local people

Quick action at the Op Shop

April 25, 2024

Since its move to its current location a year or so ago, the Lifechurch Op Shop has become an established part of the Oberon scenery.

The  familiar sign in Oberon Street.

In the middle of April, 2024, a minor disaster struck and the building started to have electrical problems, causing the temporary closure of the shop. That might not seem a problem, but as well as the normal op shop collection of clothes, CDs and household items, the shop also runs a food bank where people with limited money can buy food at very reasonable prices (read "cheap" and "affordable"). Pastor Pip Jan commented "Nobody really needs to buy bric-a-brac, but everyone needs food" so a temporary food shop was set up thanks to Edmund's generosity in a room at the Tourist Hotel.

The room behind the door wasn't being used, so why not?

It wasn't ideal but it was a lot better than nowhere, and after a few days there was an operating food shop and the customers had somewhere to go.

Rough and ready, but doing the job.

The good work proceeded in the makeshift food shop.

Repairs took a little less time than had been predicted and on Tuesday, April 23, everything was moved back to the original shop.

Restocking the shelves.

The volunteer staff at the Op Shop must be congratulated for finding a temporary solution to the problem and for moving everything twice to minimise disruption and distress for the regular customers of the food bank. Edmund's action to provide a temporary space must also be recognised. These sort of actions are what makes a community a "community".

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