Oberon Matters
Local news for local people

Another day of busy fingers at the Malachi

April 25, 2024

There was a project started some time ago by Lexi Kellam and Lynne Webb for the Oberon U3A Fleece, Fibre, Felt and Yarn Group. It was to create some small rugs for audience members at the Malachi Gilmore Hall to keep themselves warm on cold October nights.

It all started in October 2022 when balls of natural raw wool were spun using wool supplied by Cress Dawson of Mount Olive. The spinners at the time shared the Malachi foyer with the weaving of extensions to the Grand Drape.

Lexi Kellam and Lynne Webb inspecting the wool from the bale.

In May, 2023, a group of knitters got together in the Malachi's foyer to start creating the rugs. Each knitter (or crochetter) created squares which were then assembled into rugs.

On Friday, April 19 this year, another "knit in" was held to make more squares and rugs. About twenty people gathered in the foyer again and keeping their fingers warm with a nice fire, got those needles and hooks clicking nicely. So nicely, in fact, that as spinner Lexi Kellam said: "We are having trouble spinning the yarn quickly enough".

The wool didn't run out, however, and now there are a few more rugs to make those cool nights a bit more comfortable.

Information about Oberon U3A and the activities you could enjoy there can be found here.

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