Oberon Matters
Local news for local people

Autumn Garden Showcase - Beyond Avalon

April 25, 2024

The view from Google Earth

There's a real surprise hidden away in Black Springs. It's Rosalie Pollock's wonderful garden named "Beyond Avalon".

The size and layout of the garden make it easy to get lost wandering around, and the sheer scale of it make it easy to forget that it's the work of a single person.

Rosalie started creating the garden about 20 years ago. "It was just a paddock with a few gum trees, which I hate," she said. "I have a passion for gardening and the time to do it, so I decided to transform the block."

Note: Because other matters came up unexpectedly, Oberon Matters was not able to get to Beyond Avalon on the weekend when the gardens were open. The photographs here were taken in November 2023, and even thought there are seasonal differences (no autumn leaves) the pictures still tell the story of the garden.

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