Oberon Matters
Local news for local people

Walk'n'Talk, one step at a time towards preventing suicide

April 18, 2024

April 13 saw a small group of people get together at the Oberon Common for a regular Walk'n'Talk for Life meeting to talk about suicide prevention. In case you think that suicide isn't much of a problem, the number of people who take their lives in Australia each year is about three times the road toll but we never stop hearing about driving safely. One small answer is simply talking about it, rather than keeping it in the shadows. Not only does this raise public awareness, but it lets those in danger know that they are not alone.

These events sometimes have a speaker, and on this occasion it was Barry Richard who talked about the changes in fighting bush fires over the 58 years that he has been involved with the Rural Fire Service and its predecessors. Barry was awarded the Australian Fire Service Medal in the 2024 Governor General's Australia Day Honours List in recognition of his long service and for the work he did to protect Jenolan Caves House during the 2019/20 fires.

Barry Richard

Thanks have to go to John Borg for providing sponsorship for this event. Someone has to pay for the sausage sizzle that's provided for free, and sponsorship is always welcome. Oberon Smash Repairs and the Oberon Medical Centre have volunteered to support the next couple of events, but more generosity will always be appreciated. If you think you can afford to contribute a few dollars towards the campaign, give organiser  a call.

A beautiful day for it

The next Walk'nTalk in Oberon will be at the Oberon Common on Saturday, May 11, at 11:30am.

You can find out more about Walk,n'Talk here.

If you or someone you know might be at risk from suicide these links could be useful.

  • Lifeline Australia
  • Kids Helpline
  • MensLine Australia
  • Suicide Call Back Service
  • Beyond Blue
  • Open Arms - Veterans & Families Counselling
  • Qlife - anonymous and free LGBTI peer support  - (3PM-Midnight every day)
  • The National Indigenous Postvention Service - After Suicide Support 24/7
  • Brother to brother 24-hour crisis line

In an emergency, Dial 000

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