Oberon Matters
Local news for local people

Coffee cups come back to O'Connell

March 21, 2024

The coffee shop at O'Connell is back in business. It's now run by Sarah, Paula and Emily Coad. Sarah's "Get Roasted" van is well known at events round the area and now the business has a permanent home at 2431 O'Connell Road, O'Connell.

Just what a country cafe should look like.

There has been a cafe there for some time and everyone was disappointed when it closed, but now it's back and already bringing in the crowds. Oberon Matters visited on the day it reopened (Thursday, March 21) and the number of people gathered around the tables showed that its return is very welcome. Like the recently reopened O'Connell Hotel, the cafe is a meeting and socialising point for local residents as well as tourists and other people just looking for a place for some food and beverages while out on the road.

Emily, Sarah and Paula Coad are eager to meet and serve you.

Anybody who travels by road knows how welcome roadside cafes are, especially if they aren't just outposts of the normal fast food chains. They provide a little bit of local colour that the photocopied chain "restaurants" can't provide. And the coffee is better, too (Get Roasted serve coffee sourced from local supplier Fish River Roasters).

Just look for the sign.

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